#5. Feelings?

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I woke up with great mood today, I don't know why, and I think today is gonna be great, with this positive energy I started to get ready and went to school

Meanwhile after few minutes~

Teacher came in and said

Mr.jung: I have a announcement to make and it's very important for your internal marks as it can give you 20 internal marks so please take it seriously

We all got curious about what would it be then mr.jung spoke again

Mr.jung: You have to prepare a presentation and present it in front of your class

We all groaned knowing that's so much work but we are getting good marks out of it so why not

Mr.jung: You'll have a partner and from now on you have to seat with him all year as he/she might be your partner for the whole semester, I'll announce names and sit according to that

Mr.jung started announcing names

Jin-namjoon, jungkook-Jhope, jimin-yoongi, Me-taehyung

Wow atleast we didn't break apart
After that mr.jung gave us our topic, and we sat on our respective places, I'll have a new seatmate from now on and it's none other than taehyung, I don't know why but by just thinking that tae will be my "partner" for a whole year makes my heart to beat in a speed of a train

Tae: So when should we start?

Me: From today I guess

Tae: Cool, where?

Me: You decide

Tae: Let's do at your place cause at my place they all will be there and it might distract you

Me: No they will not distract me how about we take turns?

Tae: That's good too if you are ok

Me: Then today at mine's and tomorrow at yours

Tae: okie

After school~
We were out of the school building and were chattering

Jimin: Why am I stuck with this grandpa? ughhh!!

Yoongi: No one want's to be with you either, I wanted to be partner with y/n

He said sulking hehe it's cute

Tae: I am lucky one here, I got who I wanted

Me: You wanted me as your partner?

Tae: Yess!!

Tae said while winking as I blushed

Why is tae flirting with her and why it is effecting me, My heart is paining seeing them smiling at each other, why am I feeling like this, this is new to me

I was in my thought when I saw y/n tripping while walking but tae held her by her shoulder, uggghhhh this too much

Tae: Are you ok?

He asked while y/n blushed!?!?!?

I am about to burst out of anger and at the same time I want to know if she is ok, so I asked

Me: Are you ok y/n-ahh?

Y/n: Yess I am, don't worry Yoongi

She smiled as my heart fluttered
What is she doing to me? Don't tell me.....I...l-like h-her?

Yes I do, shit when did this happened, I guess since the first time I saw her, But does she feels the same?

We all parted our ways but this whole time yoongi was looking little off, was something wrong with him?
I was in my thought but got interrupted by my driver's message about him arriving
I got home and messaged tae to come whenever he wants:

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