#30. Final🤗

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Tae's. POV
I was in our CEO's cabin waiting for him

Pd-nim: Hey guys, you wanted talk in urgent?

Joon: Hello pd-nim!

He said and bowed 90° and I did the same but I was so afraid to utter a word

Pd-nim: Hey tae what happened? You look nervous!

He said with a warm smile, yes he was really good in nature but I was just afraid cause I hided my relationship from him, what if he gets angry and tells me to break up with-

No no tae what the fuck are you thinking, it will not happen, be positive

Joon: Actually.... We all hided something from you about taehyung

Pd-nim: Tae is hiding something from me? What is it?

He sounds somewhat serious and I gulped in response

Pd-nim: Tae...

He said pressing me to say something

Me: Actually.... Iaminarelationshipwithsomeone
( I am in relationship with someone)

I said in one breath hoping he understands

Pd-nim: Who?

He sounds calm but still serious

Tae: A girl

Pd-nim: oh god tae name of a girl

He said face palming

Me: Y-Y/n

Pd-nim: That head editor?

I nodded

Pd-nim: Hmm.... She is good girl and I also always thought something fishy between you two, so to be honest I am not that surprised

He said as I looked up a little relieved

Me: So you don't mind?

Pd-nim: I can't make decision in your life, tho you did break rules but it's ok cause you didn't got caught

I smiled little bit relieved

Joon: But....

Pd-nim: There's more? Are you all in Relationships?

Joon shook his hands and continued

Joon: We have to reveal their relationship... Cause.....

Me: I want to marry y/n

I announced and pd-nim chocked in the air

Me: Actually.... She is pregnant, and I want to marry her cause I really love her please don't tell me to break up with her I can't live without her, she is my life just like ARMYs please pd-nim support us

I pleaded saying everything straight forwardly cause I can't hide it anymore

Pd-nim lightly chuckled and said

Pd-nim: Tae I am not that cruel and plus if she is pregnant, I can't stop you guys now cause it's too late, but have you thought about ARMYs'? and you just gain this popularity, it will be really hard for you to take this big responsibility you know

Me: I think ARMYs' will get mad at first but I know they'll soon accept us cause they also love us and about responsibilities I promise I'll be more hard worker from now on I will try my best to be best Idol, father and husband

Pd-nim: If you are this confident and ready, I can't stop you. We will reveal your relationship, but is y/n ready to stand hates in this state?

This question got me in thoughts too, she is really sensitive cause of this situation if some toxic fans will start bothering her what will happen? Will she...

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