#26. *no title, I am out of ideas*😅😂

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Tae's. POV
I was heading towards bangtan's house as I didn't have clothes to wear so I just said goodbye to y/n

As I reached home I opened the door with spare key expecting that no one notice me

I stepped in house and carefully started walking slowly as I don't want anyone to know that I was out whole night, but my luck wasn't with me I heard yoongi's voice from behind

Yoongi: Tae what are you doing here early in the morning? were you out all night?

I thought of an excuse

Me: N-No I-I went out to e-exercise yeah exercise

I said while awkwardly smiling

Yoongi: You were out to exercise in yesterday's clothes?

Shit, why didn't I realised that

Yoongi was indeed a genius

Me: I-I was tired to change so..

Yoongi didn't seemed convinced at all

Yoongi: Seriously taehyung where were you?

Me: Ok I was out and I don't need to tell you where, you are not my eomma

I angrily said hoping for him to stop and I turned around to go but yoongi spoke again

Yoongi: Don't tell me....

What? Did he found out?

Yoongi: Are you cheating on y/n?

I widened my eyes and immediately turned around

Me: What the fuck? NO!!!

Yoongi: You were out whole night, you are still in yesterday's clothes and you look somewhat messy, and you look awkward right now and you are hiding something like a thief that means....

Me: Oh god yoongi you are overthinking too much!! I am not cheating on her

Yoongi: Then where the fuck were you?

Me: I was at y/n's. Happy?

Yoongi widened his eyes this time

Yoongi: Whole night at her place?

Suddenly jin spoke and made us both startled

Jin: You unholy child!!! You were out whole night at your girlfriend's place??!?

Me: So what? I am not child anymore

Kook: Did you two did something?

He said teasingly while smirking

Jin: Yah!! Kook stop speaking unholy things

Hobi: Someone said hobi? I am here

Jin: I said holy not hobi

Jin rolled his eyes

Joon: But they spend whole night together they must not have just slept right?

Jin: Why are you all talking like that?

Tae you are too small for that!!!
He yelled at me

Me: First of all I am not small, second of all you can't conclude what I did and what I didn't so leave me alone!

I spat on them and left but little did I knew I forgot my phone there and suddenly it rang I was about to go out of my room to attend but they were quick enough to pick it up

Y/n: Tae you left in hurry and you forgot your boxers here are you coming or should I keep it?

She said in flirty tone, but y/n wrong Timing!!

I quickly ran and grabbed my phone and said

Me: I'mma call you later babe! Bye!!

Call ended~

I was late shit they heard it

Kook: What did you do at her house which needs to remove your underpants?

Joon: Huh!! I said already they did "It"

Suddenly Jimin came too

Jimin: Who did what?

Kook: Tae had sex with y/n!!


Kook: Opps sorry

Jimin: You are fast tae

He said teasingly

Hobi: Jin was right you all need some holy water

Jin: Yah!! Taehyung did you two seriously did that?

Me: See that's why I was hiding it from you guys! You all are teasing me now as expected!

I said with angry pout

Yoongi: Tae is right, it's their life, let them live, don't tease him, it's natural!

Me: Thanks a lot yoongi for understanding me

Yoongi: It's ok, now you all go, let him shower he is stinking

Me: Yaah!! I am not

They all laughed and left still bickering about me

Time skip~
I showered and I have to call y/n now to tell everything

Y/n: Yah!! What happened? Why did you hung up on me?

Me: Cause they all heard you!

Y/n: W-What?

Me: I said that the whole bangtan heard you and they all now know that we had "it" yesterday

Y/n: You stupid fellow, how did they heard me

I explained everything that happened

Me: That's how they heard it!

Y/n: Fuck!!

I chuckled

Me: It's ok we did nothing wrong

Y/n: Ya but it's still embarassing that they found out! And plus like this...

Me: What happened has happened we can't change so let's move on, life goes on~

She laughed and said

Y/n: Ok but now on serious note, you want your boxers or not?

Me: Why? Do you wanna keep it?

I said teasingly while flirting

Y/n: You sound so cheesy aish! Just take it I don't want it

Me: But I bet you are blushing right now

I again teased

Y/n: Ya-yahh!! Stop it will you!

Me: Ok ok I'll stop, I'll take it when I meet you again ok?

Y/n: Ok, byee love you

Me: Love you too

Call ended~

Suddenly I heard someone yelling outside my room and it was jimin

Jimin: The person who lost his v-card yesterday come and eat breakfast cause you might be hungry and tired after yesterday's event!

He said teasingly, I swear I'm gonna kill him right now
This was just a timepass
I was just wondering what will bangtan react if they found out about our unholy things you know😜😝
Thanks for reading till now 🙏
Love you all 💜
Borahae 💜💜💜

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