#19. Secret

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Tae's. POV
We arrived at her house and we saw that
y/n was standing at the gate of her house probably waiting for someone,

Me: Should I go?

Ayu: Ya go ahead

As I was about to open the door one car stopped near y/n and she sat inside and they started going somewhere

Me: Oh god should we follow

Everyone was thinking but we have to be quick

Me: Let's just go

We all nodded and followed her

She looked so pale and her eyes was red probably from all the crying

Ayu: Should I have to be translator?

Jimin: Yess I guess

He said scratching his neck

Ayu: It's ok I will be

She smiled as y/n's car stopped somewhere

We all got out and when we looked around there were lot of people gathered and they are in white

Ayu: It's mourning!

We all nodded but then we heard a scream
We all looked at that direction with shock, an old man was shouting at y/n and someone besides her which I assume that it's her mom

Old man: Who are you? (Native language)

(Ayu was translating for them)

Y/n: G-Grandpa

She said in broken voice

So that old man is her grandpa?

Grandpa: I am not!!!

Y/N's Mom: Dad please listen

Grandpa: I am not your dad

Grandpa was shouting a lot everyone in the family tried to make him calm but he ignored them all and was shouting continuously at y/n's mom and y/n

But we heard someone talking

??: Why is she and her family here? To make her family ashamed again? Bloody slut!!!

When ayu translate that we were all more than shock

I was confused and angry I wanted to say something but language barriers sucks

We again saw y/n and her family and
y/n was trying her best not to cry, I was going to go to her but ayu held me

Ayu: We can't, it's their family matter and plus we don't even know what's the matter

Y/n was begging to his grandpa but he was not even allowing her or her family to enter the house to see her grandma after some time they all took her grandma and was going somewhere whichever can be her funeral y/n and her mother and her father was begging and crying but her grandpa didn't even allowed them to come to the funeral

Y/n felt in the ground and started sobbing so hard it was my first time seeing her like this and I feel so miserable that I can't even help her but I can't stay here anymore I went towards her as tears were streaming down from my face too, I went to her and when she saw me she was shocked but she was not able to say anything cause of crying this hard. I immediately hugged her as she cried out loud ayu and Jimin was with her mom and dad, we all were confused by thinking what is happening but by seeing y/n in this state we all were crying too

Time skip~
Y/n was still crying while hugging me we were sitting on bench of near her house we all were having worried expression on our face but still we didn't dared to utter a single word by seeing her state
Soon her grandpa and other family reached there home and y/n looked at them while crying but didn't dared to go to them she started saying something

Y/n: How can they be so cruel? T-They didn't e-even let me see h-her for l-last time

She said in between her loud sobs

Y/n: T-They are calling me s-sinner.
Why? Why can't they trust us and love us? They don't even know what exactly happened B-But then too

She said while crying hard but then we got interrupted by a sound of a boy

??: I am sorry y/n, we can't do anything

Y/n looked up at him and immediately went to him and hugged him, he hugged her back they both were crying and speaking something in there native language, But I don't know why I started feeling angry
Oh god tae stop being jealous it's not right time. I scolded myself but I still can't fight this suddenly that boy spoke again

??: Who are they?

Y/n: M-My friends

She said in between of her sobs

As she said that, the guy smiled at us but it was painful we can see that he was also sad about this whole thing
y/n was still hugging him then that guy introduce himself

??: Hello I am jay, y/n's cousin

O-oh shit he is just cousin my stupid ass

We all also smiled at him and he went back to talk with y/n

After some time he also went back as y/n was not crying anymore
She was crying continuosly from 3 hours

Then her mother came towards us
She said something to y/n and y/n nodded and she introduced us all

Y/n invited us all to her house
We went her house and was sitting in her room while everything was silent
Suddenly y/n chuckled making us shock

Y/n: I never wanted you all to know this things and I am sorry that you all are getting involved in my family's mess and probably my mess

Me: It's not a mess y/n! It's ok everyone has their own problem and we are not bothered by it at all

Y/n: Yes cause you still don't know the truth tae

Yoongi: Y/n we know you that's all, we don't want to know the truth if you are uncomfortable

Y/n: I am not uncomfortable yoongi, but scared

Hobi: Why are you scared y/n?

Y/n: Cause you will also think of me as a sinner and my mom as a slut

We all gasped at her sudden outburst

Joon: You are not a sinner and your mom is not a slut y/n

Jin: Yes even if we know all the truth, we will never think that

Y/n: A-are you guys sure about this?

Jimin: We are y/n don't worry we trust you and love you we are never gonna leave you

We all nodded

Y/n: Thank you so much guys for loving me this much

She said as she again started to cry
I hugged her for calming her down

Y/n: Ok I'll tell you guys!!

She said in between sobs

Y/n: But first you all would be tired let's get fresh first there is three guest room here choose anyone you like we can meet at my room after an hour
She said as we all nodded to give her time
We all went towards different room and turn by turn started to get fresh
After sometime y/n's mom called us all to eat as we went and ate everything while talking with her mom dad and her sister
Her family looks nice
But we eagerly wanted to know the secret.....
Thanks for reading till now 🙏
Stay tuned for next part 💜
Sorry for any kind of errors
Love you all 💜
Borahae 💜💜💜

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