#17. Misunderstanding pt.2

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Tae: You know?

Me: Yes tae I know...

Tae: Really? What is the reason?

Me: Lily...

I said sadly, Tae became shocked by what I said

Tae: Lily? Why is she in the conversation?

Me: Tae I know about you and lily and probably she must have done something again to hurt you like this-

Tae: She didn't hurted me, what are you talking about? What do you know about me and lily?

Me: Tae I know, you and lily are in relationship...

Tae: Relationship? What kinda relationship?

Me: I know you guys are couple

Tae: Couple?? What the fuck are you saying? Say it clearly Y/N!!!

Me: *explaining everything happened on graduation day*

Meanwhile in the hall
Poor y/n, she is suffering so much

Ayu: How could he?

I said angrily but didn't noticed that i said it out loud

Jimin: What happened ayu?

Everyone looked at me and my angry face, I was so angry on taehyung right now so I said everything to everyone

Yoongi: Did y/n told you too?

Jimin: "You too" what do you mean yoongi? Do you also know that?

Yoongi: I knew it from the graduation day

Kook: Guys!!!! The fuck

We all looked at him

Jin: Kookie Language!!!

Kook: Sorry! But I am saying that lily and taehyung are not in relationship!!
We all were shocked at his sudden confession

Ayu: No but y/n heard it

Kook: She didn't heard it full!

Ayu: What do you mean

Kook explained us all the things and yoongi was in shock!!!

Yoongi: So tae didn't choose lily over y/n!!!

Kook: Noo!!!

Hobi: And y/n loves tae?

Yoongi looked down and replied

Yoongi: A lot Actually

He was sad while saying this,but why?


Me: What?

Tae: Do you trust me?

Me: of course I do

Tae: Then believe me please, I am not with lily

Tae started explaining everything that happened in graduation and the misunderstanding started becoming clear

Tae: I am really sorry that you misunderstood but I wanna ask you question!!

Me: y-yes?
Tae: Why were you finding me that day!!?

Me: H-Huh!?

Tae: You said you were finding me to say something and then you heard us, what do you wanted to say!!??

Me: I-

I was gonna answer but my phone ranged suddenly

Tae's. POV
She was gonna say something but her phone ranged

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