#22. Double date

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I woke up and did my morning routine
As you all know I have to head towards BTS house

Time skip~
I reached there and ranged doorbell
After no time the door opened
I was shocked with the speed, it was tae who opened the door

Tae: Hi babe

He pecked me

Me: Were you standing near door?

He shyly replied

Tae: No...

Me: Really? You can't even lie

I laughed and he was just standing there being all red like Tomato

Me: Have you told them

Tae: No. They were all sleeping when I came home last night

I made my mouth as "o"

Me: Ok we'll tell them now

He nodded

Me: By the way where are they all?

Tae: Probably in their rooms


I yelled so that they all can hear
Suddenly kookie ran towards me to hug me, he hugged me tightly as I just giggled giving in

Kook: Where were you all this time? I missed you sooooooo much

He whined

Me: Sorry I got so many assignments from college

We both were still hugging but taehyung pushed kookie slightly

Tae's. POV
Why is he hugging her for so long
I have to admit that I was jealous, I pushed him slightly not harshly
He weirdly looked at me, I just shrugged

Kook: Let's go inside y/n-ie

Y/n nodded, he hold her hand and started dragging her

Ugh, boy for god sake she can walk on her own
I rolled my eyes in annoyance
We were in living room where they all were waiting

Yoongi: Long time no see

He said and hugged her

Why is everyone hugging her so much today? I can't take it

Y/n: Tae are you ok? *Whisper*

I nodded

We all sat and started talking about random things, I decided to reveal our relationship cause I can't take anymore

Me: Guys!

They all looked up as my eyes went towards y/n and I guess she knows what am I gonna say so she just nodded

Tae: umm.... Me and y/n... We are in relationship

They all were shocked at my sudden words

Joon: What? How? When?

Jin: Tell us fast!

Jimin: Did you guys kissed?

What kinda question is that? I swear I am gonna kill jimin

Me: Shut up Jimin, and yeah we kissed TWICE

I pressed the word twice

Hobi: Oh god guys leave the kiss, tell us what exactly happened?

I and y/n explained everything happened yesterday

They all were happy for us and then I finally said

Me: So from now Y/N is mine so no one is allowed to flirt with her

I glared at kookie and yoongi, kookie gulped and yoongi rolled his eyes

Jimin: So there is another couple in the house and it's non other than my soulmate

He said and hugged me as I hugged back

Jimin: Let me call ayu then

Y/n: Yes sure

Time skip~
Ayu also arrived we all were talking but suddenly ayu said

Ayu: Guys I got an idea!

Y/n: What?

Ayu: Why don't we go on double date?

I looked at y/n as she seemed happy with the idea so I said

Me: I don't mind if y/n don't mind

Y/n: I don't mind either

Jimin: Wow baby you got an amazing idea, I love you

Ayu got flustered and said

Ayu: I love you too

Everyone just chuckled at this cute couple

Jimin: What are we gonna do?

Me: Dinner I guess

Y/n: I want a lazy date

She pouted as I just wanted to kiss that but I controlled myself

Ayu: I don't mind lazy dates either

Me: So like takeouts, movies, games and everything

Jimin: Ya it's cool I guess

Kook: Are we invisible?

Joon: I guess yeah

Jin: You are here with us guys talk something else

Hobi: Correct stop making us jealous

Yoongi nodded

We all rolled our eyes and started talking about something random again

After all of that it was night now we all hang out and we four decided to do double date on next Saturday

Y/n and ayu parted their ways to there house
And we all slept after a while
I don't know but I want to stay with
y/n for 24/7
Is it too early to think that?
But I am really sure about this
I will talk and the rest depends on her
I slept thinking that
Thanks for reading till now 🙏
Stay tuned for next part 💜
Love you all 💜
Borahae 💜💜💜💜💜

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