#4. Savage

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Another boring day of school, as BTS are with me it's not that boring but still this lectures are making me bored

I wanted to sleep too but this is important for me as it's my first time here and I don't want to leave bad impression here

I was in my thoughts suddenly a message pops out on our school's students group it was from a famous girl of the group

F Girl: All girl's of last year has to wait after school and wait on our school's music classroom

Hmm?? What did she needs?

As the last class got over I told all boys to head home but they insisted that they'll wait outside as it might not take time I agreed as I can't argue with them

I started to head towards music room some random girl was also heading there but she was terrified as I approached her and asked

Me: Hey are you okay? You look pale

That girl got shocked and terrified at the same time I got concerned about her so I smiled to tell her that don't get afraid of me and I spoke again

Me: Ohh I am sorry I am rude I didn't even introduced myself, my bad hehe. Hi I am y/n and you?

??: I am yeri *she spoke hesitantly*

Me: Hi yeri *I smiled widely* Are you ok?

Yeri: I don't know but that girl who called us always gives me bad vibes

I got confused for a second and asked again

Me: Like Which kind of bad vibes?

Yeri: You'll see...

Huh!? Now i am curious

Yeri: I am kinda afraid of her

Me: stop worrying and don't be afraid I will stay with you ok

I said assuring her

Yeri: Okay *she smiled*

Me: see your smile is so beautiful keep smiling

As we were talking we entered that room and yeri started to get afraid again so I held her shoulder indicating that I am here

As that F girl was coming we all got in group

F girl: Hey minions you all are here, I am eun ji as all probably might know me 😏

She smirked, woah she really give bad vibes

As she looked around she spoke again

Eun ji: I called you guys to get to know you so let's start with her

She said while pointing her finger on yeri
As she flinched cause she was terrified

EJ: Come here little coward

Yeri goes to her hesitantly

EJ: what's your name?

Yeri: Yeri

EJ: Yeri I have heard that you are good at dancing is that right?

Yeri hesitantly nodded

EJ: Then show us!!

Yeri got shocked by that and getting more afraid

EJ: Do you not want to dance?

Yeri shake her head as NO

EJ: So you are saying NO to me?

Wow she got that big attitude I thought

Yeri again shook her head, while EJ starts to scold her telling her to dance and poor yeri was trembling

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