#9 Basketball

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From that day bangtan boys and my friendship is improved and with lily too she is a good girl, She is my competitor but than too

I believe that if taehyung's choice is her than he is not in wrong hands she can take care of him as far as we all have hangout they were extremely close and that made me jealous and I don't know why taehyung always choose her over me, that sometimes makes me more jealous but whenever taehyung is like that there is one guy who is always with me

That's yoongi I really love him he is a great friend of mine he always stays by my side and we are close, but he can't solve the problem that I am facing that's "JEALOUSY" I still can't take the fact that taehyung is cold towards me and not towards others I am done with this but still I love this guy😩😩

Yoongi. POV
And there she is, sitting there again in her thoughts, why she always come at rooftop for thinking? Is this place that better for thinking? Ugh this girl

Me: Hey y/n

Y/n: ohh yoongi hiii

She greeted with a big smile that I love

Me: Let's go down we have class

Y/n: I am skipping that, I am bored

Oh god this girl 🤦‍♀️

Me: Nope you are not skipping PE you always skip that class the teacher is getting angry

Y/n: And you think I care 🙄

Me: You are coming and that's final, now don't waste time and let's gooo

I dragged her but she is stubborn

Y/n: Noooooo

She said fake crying, aish this cute girl

Me: Come or I'll tell teacher to take you with him

Y/n: Like you are gonna do that

She said challenging me

Me: Yep, I will, don't challenge me y/n you know me I can do that

I will not do that but this is the only way to drag her with me

Y/n: Oh god you are so stubborn yoongi

Look who is talking

Y/n: Ok let's go
She said rolling her eyes

Aish this guy never understands me I am not good at PE and then too he drags me and I even know the reason it's basketball class today so that's why he wants to show me how good he is and then he will brag about it
Typical yoongi (I'm not saying yoongi is always showing off his skills it's totally a character of story no offense to our yoongle🥺)

At basketball court~

Ahh I am scared I can't play

Coach: "So boys and girls today we are gonna play basketball as you all know, so you can select a partner for you and play, you have to practice how to goal from each points
You have to make a goal
5 times from 1 point line
5 times from 2 points line
5 times from 3 points line
And then your practice is over so please select the partners and get on your location"

As the coach completed his speech I sighed cause I am not going to go home today as I can't even goal from 1 point line and we have to do it for 5 times I am dead

Yoongi: Hey it's fun who are you choosing

Me: Umm.....

Should I choose tae? I thought but got interrupted when...

Tae: Lily I choose you

Yes lily was also there cause coach is taking two class together so senior and junior are together in this, he again chose Lily, I am jealous and sad right now who should I choose then?

Me: I guess I don't want to play I will tell coach I have sprained ankle

I told yoongi, but he grabbed my wrist and turned me towards him and we were so close like too close

Yoongi: Don't go just because he didn't chose you I am choosing you

He said with his gummy smile, I smiled sadly as I was still sad cause tae chose her

We all started playing and to my surprise yoongi did it by trying once only and then it was my turn but my attention was on lily and tae cause tae was teaching lily how to play and when they goaled THEY HUGGED, I can't even describe my feeling right now and yoongi noticed it so he said

Yoongi: Y/n let me teach you

I said yes to him as the best basketball player is teaching me

Yoongi started to teach me and I started to goal but I was taking time, don't judge me I have never played this, we were at last goal when I lost my balance and I fell, yoongi wanted to save me but he lost his balance too and we fell together, I was on top of him as he groaned in pain

We were so close that we can hear each other's breathing and yoongi blushed hard at this sight, I tried to get up but my leg slipped again and I fell on him again but we somehow managed to get up we both were blushing cause of embarrassment, I said sorry to yoongi but I got startled when taehyung dragged me out the hall

Tae. POV
The fuck is happening, I hate this sight of
y/n being on top of yoongi they were extremely close, I lost my mind and I dragged her I don't know where but I guess to rooftop

At rooftop~

Y/n: ahh tae it's hurting

Me: Why? When yoongi grabs your wrist it doesn't hurt?

Y/n: what are you talking about?

She asked

Me: Like you don't know huh!? Do you like him?

I don't know why I asked that

Y/n: And what about you? Do you like lily?

Me: Why are you asking me another question? I asked first

Y/n: why do you care if I like him or not?

Me: so you like him right?

Y/n: taehyung what's wrong with you?

Me: Nothing, Go

Y/n: Taeh-


I shouted and she started tearing up this was my first time shouting at her, but the sight of her and yoongi was roaming in my mind I don't even know why I am angry at that and when she asked me about lily, I started thinking that do I like lily, I always choose lily cause I know that she is new here and probably don't know anyone so I choose her to help her getting along with other, but does it count as liking someone?

I ran down holding my tears, No y/n you can't fail, you love him and love needs test, this is just your test you can't fail you have to win his heart
As I was walking on my way yoongi stopped me

Yoongi: Y/N!!

Me: Ohh god yoongi why are you shouting I am here only

Yoongi: Yes but your mind is somewhere else, I called you almost hundred times and you were not replying

Me: Ohh I am sorry yoongi, I was just in my thoughts

Yoongi: It's ok y/n-iee, what were you thinking?

Me: Nothing special

Yoongi: what is it?

Me: Nothing I said already

Yoongi: what.is.it?

Ohh god this guy

Me: We fought

Yoongi: ohh

Thank god he didn't asked details
I will make you love me Kim Taehyung
Wait and watch
Why is y/n so stubborn in this chapter 😂
Thanks for reading till now 🙏💜
Stay tuned for next part 💜💜
Who do you think 🤔 taehyung will.choose?
Y/n or lily?

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