an introduction :)

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Hello fellow readers of Wattpad.

I just wanted to give you a small intro into Belle's life as obviously she's a character I've created so her backstory is unknown! So here's a peak into her...

Belle Sparrow,
- 18 soon to be 19.
- Tanned (ish) skin with brown eyes and shoulder length brown hair.
- She has beads in her hair, similar to Jack
- Middle name is Kate (just a random fact I thought I'd throw in there)
- Commonly nicknamed Be

So yeah! That's Belle. I imagine her to be very similar to Jack in terms of her wittiness and people skills but she's going to have a lot more fire than Jack and be quite blunt.

Obviously Jack's older and is her older brother.



Hello my loves,

I've been writing this story since April and have really struggled to find motivation to write it. However recently I have found both time and motivation to write this, I can't promise that it will be regularly updated but I will try my best.

This is of course my first Wattpad story and I would appreciate gentleness towards this story and my rusty writing skills.

If I make a mistake (which I guarentee I will) don't be afraid. Just point it out! But be kind in doing so please.

I really enjoy the Pirates Of the Caribbean series and have enjoyed writing this and hope you share the same love for it that I do! As the story progresses please feel free to add comments to lines: opinions, theories and emotion towards whats going on! I know personally when I'm reading Wattpad I enjoy reading other peoples comments and writing my own. So I encourage you to do so.

I can't wait to share this story with you all :)

Hope you enjoy!

Thank you lovelies!

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