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I watched as my brother took Will to shore, straight towards Isla De Muerta.

A cursed island, even the most fearsome pirates don't step ashore. I mean they wouldn't if they could find it. It's an island that can't be found, except by those who know where it is. For cursed azetc treasure lays there, as the tale is told any mortal that takes any treasure from the chest is then cursed. Cursed to spend time dead as a mortal. I heard, that when one takes a piece he becomes dead in the moonlight? But step out and he is once again human. But either way, they is unable to die. Pirates and their bloody riddles, nothings ever simple.

In summary it's not somewhere anyone wishes to be. No one sane anyway. Lucky for us pirates, we aren't exactly of sane mind. Me brother especially.

Will is in good hands, but he seems of his own character. Does what he believes is right and isn't afraid to question people of higher authority. My fear is him doing something stupid. Something even Jacky dare not do. One can only hope.



As I watched me Cap'n sail in a dingy towards the God forsaken Island, I feared it would be like his marooning all over again. Or his death. He said stick to the code and I 'ate it in this instant. A crew needs a Captain and without Jack this crew ain't got one. But the code is pirate law. Bartholomew Roberts articles. There is many pirates laws, example...

- Each sailor is to keep his weapon clean and ready for action
- If a man is to abandon ship or his quarters in a time of battle he is to be marooned or face death
- Any acts against women or minors unconsented is punished by death
- If any honest sailor is to lose a limb or become a cripple due to service he is to recieve 800 shillings in compensation
-An act of war can only be declared by pirate King
-If Parley should be said, the recipient is too be taken too the Captain and talk of negotiations and is not to be harmed until the Parley is completed

That last do be an important one.

There is many more laws in the code, but the one I has been asked to stick by is worse. In a time of crisis most sailors would keep to it and I do intend too, but when its Jack on shore and not another it is difficult to accept.

To stick to the code means,

-Any man that falls behind, is left behind

And that be the laws of piracy, the laws of the sea. Davy Jones 'imself keeps to the code. We must all do so. To be an honest pirate requires laws, even for us. And I for one do not intend to go against the law.

It be harsh but it be the law.

"Now what?" Said Miss Belle.

"We is to wait." She looked me in the eyes, "For what? The death of ones brother, and the death of William." Shrugged her shoulders and got closer to me face, "If I remembers correct, Will is Bootstraps son. And Bootstrap was an honest man and a good pirate. He was Jacks mate and a friend to us all. We could at least do him the honour of saving his son." She wasn't wrong.

"But the code Miss Sparrow."

"Aye, there is the code. But he asked you to keep to the code. Not me." She wasn't wrong but Jack wouldn't like it. "Aye Belle that is correct, but your brother would feed me to the fish. Leave me for shark bait."

"Not if he is too believe you had no fault."

"Aye!" I grinned, I like this girl. Just like Jack. Her brain lines with Jacks perfectly, shes mad.



I had Mr Gibbs sit below deck so he had no part in my leave. Then he wouldn't be lying. A couple men from the crew helped me lower a dingy and passed me some oars and a sword and a bag of food.

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