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"Did it work?"

"I don't feel no different."

"How do we tell?"

Different questions echoed through the cave as different pirates tried to figure out why their curse wasn't lifted.

Then a sudden gunshot, I jumped and grabbed Wills hand for comfort. I looked at him and he just smiled. We shot our heads round to the hole in the cave wall.

All the pirates looked at Pintel. He's a small lad, old grey and scraggy hair. He's got a massive bald patch on his head too.

"You're not dead." Said one.

"No" Pintel smiled and laughed. He had a sudden realisation moment as he looked at the gaping hole in his chest and pointed at Barbossa, "He shot me!"

"It didn't work"

"The curse is still upon us!" Another shouted shaking fists to the air.

Barbossa turned to Elizabeth, he were angry, confused, "You. Maid. Your father. What was his name?!" He shouted in her face, he grabbed her shoulders and started shaking her roughly. I had to hold Will back. "Was your father William Turner!?"

Elizabeth smiled, "No."

I smiled too, i'm totally impressed by the fact she lied to pirates. Knowing that she could die in the process.

"She gave them her name as mine..."

I turned to Will, "Huh?"

He looked me in the eyes, "She said her name was Turner, Elizabeth Turner" He smiled but looked confused. In that moment there, I knew I'd lost him.

"Aye, that she did."

Barbossa grew with anger, "Where is his child? The child that sailed from England eight years ago." He grabbed the medallion, "The child in whose veins flows the blood of William Turner!? WHERE"

She said nothing, even more impressive really. Especially for a rich Governers daughter.

Barbossa slapped her unconcious and she fell to the floor down the hill on to treasure right by the waters edge. Will flinched hard. I grabbed him, turned him to face me and placed two hands on his shoulders, "Listen here Will, here's what we are to do." He looked me in the eyes, a tear. I gently placed my hand on his cheek and wiped his tear. He drew a deep breath. "Now Mr William Turner, are you listening intently?" i questioned stressing the sound of the 'r' into a more piratey sound. He nodded. "Aye, good."

The pirates in the background were shouting at each other and pinning the blame onto one and other like lil' girls in kindergarten. Bloody pirates.

"Will, your going to swim in that moat just there. But when you get in make sure not to make a splash, Okay?" He looked at the murky water and nodded. "Right, then straight to your maiden. Place a hand gently over her lips, you don't want her to scream or make a sound."

"Okay but i don't want to startle her." He said worried.

"Aye, just as long as your gentle it won't have a big impact. Just get her and bring her back over here. Savvy?" I widened my eye to show just how careful he needs to be.

"Yes, got it!" He smiled, "thank you.." A hug, he hugged me. His arms were warm and he rested his chin on my head. But then let go.

"Right, um good luck Will." I smiled at his as he got in the water. He smiled back and off he went.

"You bought us here for nothing!" The pirates continued to shout and blame eachother.

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