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The place for a person who needs a crew to sail with, or for someone to become crew. A place for heavy drinkers, fighters and people looking for a lass to spend the night with. In summary anyone with any importance would never be caught dead there.

It's a pirate island.

Where the law is practically non existent, kill a man and you'll walk free.
Don't remeber what you did last night? Don't worry, neither does anyone else.
The whole islands a drunken mess, chances are you won't remeber half of it.

In the midst of the massive crowd we find a Miss Belle Sparrow, she heard there's a Captain looking for an 'able-bodied crew'.

She walks around asking for the place to sign up for this Captain and is directed towards a small table in the corner of the bar area.

"Mr Gibbs?" She says shocked and confused. "Is that you?"

"Aye, Belle! It's been quite some time since we were last together."

"Aye Sir! And how many times must I ask you to call me Be?"

"As many as ya wish miss, Jack wouldn't allow it" She laughed at his comment about her brother, he's not wrong. To Jack, Belle is important and therefore demands respect. So to call her Be would diminish that respect.

"Talking of my bloody brother, I hear he's looking for a crew?"

"Aye lass he is, if you wish to join the place is yours!" He hands a piece of paper and quill to her to sign her name down.

"I'll take you up on that offer sir!" She took the quill and signed her name on the sheet. "Where's we 'eading?"

Mr Gibbs lowered his voice and whispered, "Isla de Muerta" Belle places the quill on the table and looks at him slightly shocked.

"Gosh" She takes a long deep breath and shakes her head. "Jacks brave to be asking for a crew to sail to the cursed aztec treasure..."

Mr Gibbs nodded, "Aye miss, that's what I said. But he said that any man that would sign to something like this is a man worth having"

"Aye, that does sound like Jack. Mr Gibbs I must thank you for allowing me the place on the ship. Being a woman and all."

"Well miss, you may be a woman and superstitions may prove you don't belong aboard a ship. But your family so superstitions run dry!"

Belle laughed shook his hand and thanked him once again. Mr Gibbs told her the meeting point for the crew and time.

"Don't be late miss!"

"See you then Mr Gibbs"

Belle walked away from the desk and straight to her room in the hotel she was staying at. She gathered all her affects and headed to the docks immediatley.

"I haven't seen my brother for years." She was nervous, scared even. But then came to a moment of realisation. "Ugh, he's probably to drunk to recognise me" She said rolling her eyes.



Twelve men in the crew stood on the docks. Fifteen if you include Jack, Mr Gibbs and the new posh boy with a ponytail. Fifteen men and one women. Me.

"Feast your eyes Cap'n. All of 'em faithful hands before the mast, every man worth his salt" Mr Gibbs looks at a smaller man in the crew, "and crazy, to boot"

All three of them stared at the smaller man, until one of them looked up at the rest of them, unimpressed.

"So this is your able-bodied crew?" Said the boy with the ponytail, looking back at Jack and walking with him down the line until they reached a man with a blue, yellow and green parrot on his shoulder.

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