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The answer to my question a couple hours ago is no. When we returned to the Dauntless me and Jack were locked in the brigg. Let me give you a little peak as too what happened....

"NORRINGTON!" I was shouting his name, "YOU FILTHY LIAR, NORRINGTON!"

"It aint no use lass, he's not listening." Jack was calm, sat in the back corner of the brigg his hat resting over his head.

"Forgive me brother, if I haven't condemed myself to the gallows just yet!" I spat back at him. "NORRINGTON, YOU BETTER GET YOUR REAR DOWN HERE THIS SECOND!" A noise from the stairs edging toward us. "Good you hear me Norrington."

"What is it exactly all the screaming is for?" Norrington.

"You said I were due a fair trial. When you learnt of my name and you learnt Jack had a sister, you promised me a fair trial." I looked him dead in the eye and press my face against the bars, "IS THAT NOT WHAT YOU SAID! Do you not feel sorry for me at all. As a women and all." Yes I played that card... sorry. "I saved your now fiance twice matey, TWICE"

"One good deed is not enough to redeem a man OR women of a lifetime of wickedness."

"Though it seems enough to condemn them."

"Thank you, for adding that in Jack."

A little smile appears on Norringtons face, "Indeed"

"And you call pirates liars."

He leaves back above deck.

So that was that and now we return to now. I am sat, my hands bound behind my back. Sat on a wooden stall, a mercenary with his hand on my shoulder and another on his musket.

"Excuse me mate, get your hands off me shoulder. Aint very gentlemenly of you, now is it?"

He looked at me then down at the floor. He shuffled a little to his left, "Sorry." And removed his hand.

Currently on the gallows... my brother. I am to watch him die and then be hung after that. How honourable of them.

Stood on a barrel to the right of the gallows, the official.

The official read..."Jack Sparrow..."

"Captain." I interrupt. "It's Captain Jack Sparrow."

The whole crowd turn to me. I see Will, also in the crowd. He looks to me and smiles. I don't want him to be here for me death. I smile and look too the floor. He continues to talk to the Governor. See what I didn't tell you is Will got pardoned. That's the one bit of Norringtons word that was kept too.

The official continued, "Be it known that you have been charged, tried and convicted for your willful commission of crimes against the crown...said crimes being numerous in quantity and sinister in nature. The most aggrieves of which to be citied herewith... piracy, smuggling, impersonating a person of the Spanish Royal Navy." I look to Jack whos laughing, I remember that one it was fun. "Impersonating a cleric of the Church of England, sailing under false colors, arson, kidnapping, looting, poaching, pilfering, depravity, degradation, impersonating a member of the Royal Family..."

I whisper very quietly, "I think that was me... How dare he take accountability for my impersonations..." I look to the mercenary guarding me, "That was me, not him. I impersonated the Kings cousin. Claimed to be Lady Beatrice of Cambridge. It was great, got access to the entire treasury I did." He looked at me shocked I confessed to it all, "What? You're going to kill me anyhow. What difference do it make?"

"And general lawlessness. For these crimes, you have been sentenced on this day to be hung by the neck until dead...May God have mercy on your soul."

Then the drums begin to play. When they end so does Jacks life. Then it is my go. The drums will play for me and I will join my brother. I always dreamt of dying at sea. Not once did I think I'd end up dead by gallows. I thought I'd die a pirate martyr. But noose it is.

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