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QUICK NOTE: Words in italics (like this) will be to show Will thinking in a Belle POV. It will make sense as you read! i hope...



I wasn't going to have Jack use me as leverage. I heard him talking to Mr Gibbs in Tortuga, something about 'having the right manner of leverage' then shaking his head towards me. I turned and pretended I haven't noticed at the time. But they didn't talk to quietly so their plans were practically written in the air.

When I hit Jack with that oar all I was thinking was, this is for Elizabeth. His plan isn't going to work, it's a pirates plan and I. I am NOT a pirate. Never will be.

But after I did it I suddenly realised Belle was there too, but if I hit her it, it just seemed unlawful. She's a women. A pirate yes, but still a stunningly beautiful young women.

I hesitated before I did, but she placed a sword in my way. I'm thankful really, I wanted less than anything to hurt her. All she's done is be nice, she's helped. Well helped in her pirate manner. It's been nice to have a bit of company aboard the ship. From someone who really seems to get me. We really match, emotionally. She's quite beautiful too, any man would be lucky to have her...any man.

But anyway, when she told me not to worry about her place of loyalty, and that it lay with me. It was great, I mean I still worry about it though because of Jack. He is her brother after all and family comes first.

Just like Elizabeth comes first.

Well she did, I mean she does. But at the moment so does Belle, Be. Pirate or not she means a lot to me. Without her I wouldn't be here to save Elizabeth, yes Jack bought me here physically. But I would've gone mad if not for Belle, she was there to talk to, to laugh with. She made me except my father's life choices a bit more, she told me about him. He stood against Barbossa when Jack was marooned, said it didn't sit right with him. So they sent him to the depths. Tied him to a cannon and down he went.

Then they threw Belle overboard, said they had no use for her, saying she had to much dangerous emotion to stay upon that vessel. And added she was a women she was good in a kitchen, no use a pirate. But she's a wonderful pirate, she's a pirate and a great women. Just like my father apparently!

Only he was not a women...

Anyway, me and Be agreed she was incharge. She knew the Island well, she'd been here before she said. After Jack was last marooned. She was there when they took the treasure the first time. She said the crew were all cursed, something about being dead in the moonlight, but look human otherwise? I'm not sure.

But anyway, we are going to make our move into the cave. Around the back. I'm not sure how this will play out, but I trust her so I will follow.



Will seems nervous? I would be too if I was saving the love of me life. It do sound the opposite of what I said before, the truth is, it is about impressing the girl. One lass might date you before she thinks your kind and that's what she wants in a man. But me, I need proof of your loyalty. Need proof that you are worth my time, my love. Proof that you love me and ain't going to run.

See, it is all about the gestures, about the moments. Memories ain't nothing without some action. Save me in everyway a women should be saved, saved from danger, saved from emotion and keep me safe. Aye, I can take care of me ones self. But it's nice to have someone to look after you when you need a break.

That's the truth about women...
Well it's the truth about me...

And Will... he ticks all those boxes. He be saving this beautiful women, he has obviously saved her emotionally from her life destined to be daughter of the Governor. I doubt not at all that that job is difficult, the image is not something i could keep. Restrained physically in that bodice, that...that corset. And restrained in speech. Here as a pirate I can say whatever I pleases and no one's gone tell me no. I am a pirate, I speaks what on me mind. Savvy? Ain't nothing gon change it.

But anyway, me and will have decided that I is to take charge of our mission. I know pirates, I am a pirate. But to do this together, Will has to think like a pirate. That pirate blood he been keeping stored has to run through his veins and he has to take control of it or else we as good as dead. This will be our final resting place. His lass will be killed along with us.

Pirates cheat, we don't play by rules. We bend them, find the loopholes, break 'em, shatter 'em to pieces and snap 'em in half that's how we play. Ain't no rules except the code. Those our rules.

Aye Will is not a pirate, not offically. So he got no rules to keep too. If he don't know the rules he can't play by them.

He is the loophole.

I really hope this goes well, for Will. Obviously. Elizabeth sounds nice, she'll be good for Will. They'll be perfect.

Just perfect.

He's beautiful

She's beautiful

They're so perfect for each other.

We would be perfect

I wish he would see me

I don't think she understands me.

I wish he could accept my life

I think I love her

I've never felt like this before

No, I think i might love the landlubber, the boy with pirate blood. But the boy that isn't yet a pirate.
I love him.

When he sailed off with Jack to Isla de Muerta it was like 10 pistols shot bullets into me heart.

I known him for a few days but ain't another man that made me feel like this.

She's wonderful. She'll be mine soon I hope. There is no other women as wonderful as her.
Oh welp, SHE LOVES HIM WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH. Is that like love at first sight or what?

But the question is, was will saying he loves Elizabeth? Or is it Be?

I'm sorry this chapter was really really short but I wanted to give you an inside view of what they were thinking.

Hope you enjoyed it!

Thank you lovelies,

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