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"I can't believe he just wants me to stay put. How bloody rude." You see as a female pirate, i'm fully aware of the superstitions that surround me. 'Its bad luck to have a women aboard' and what not. But for god sake, I better at fighting than half these men. At least give me a chance.

It's not like Norrington is known for giving pirates chances, or Governor Weatherby Swann even. Ain't much point in asking.

"I should be going with them onto the island, I know it better than Jack. I was the one kidnapped after all!" She seemed a little distressed? Like suddenly she cared about another living thing not just herself.

"We're women love, you'll learn soon that the world doesn't care too much about us unless we're popping out offspring."

A confused look glazed her face,"...offspring?"

"Children love. Babies." I nodded

"Right... yes. Why is the world that way Belle?"

I took a deep breath in, looked at the sky and said, "Just the way the world works mate. Sticks and stones and that." I walked off and left her stood there. I went over too where Jack was stood and I just stared into the water.



"What are you going to do when you get to the island?" I looked at him, but he didn't look back too me.

"Take back what they took from me."

I just laughed. Not because I found it funny, but because I knew he was being serious. The thing about my brother is that he is ONLY out for himself; he has a rank order for his priorities.

1. Himself
2. The Pearl
3. Himself
4. Rum
5. Me

I don't even make top three, painful really. Now I do love me brother but when he's alone I don't trust him, I'm going to ask him to save Will but if he retrives the Pearl then that's Will out the question. Will will either: die on the island, be taken to Port Royal and hanged for engaging in piracy or I'll take him with me too Tortuga and we'll run from the law. If that's what he wants obviously.

"Jack, what about Will?" He finally looked at me.

"What about him?" he raised his eyebrow at me.

"Well are you going to save him?"

"I might be the hero, ask me again when we're there."

I put my hand on his shoulder, and looked him in the eyes. It's the most emotionally vunerable I've ever been, he could see I was upset, he could see my whole soul. I couldn't help but snap at him, "This isn't a game brother, this is an innocent mans life." He said nothing and looked back too the water, "For me Jack. And for Bootstrap. You owe it too us both." Silence again, "Let it linger." We just stood there in silence, nothing said, you couldn't even hear the sounds of breathing, only the wash of the tide.

Until Jack looked at me again, "Shouldn't you been inside? Away from the moonlight? It is getting dark after all." I said nothing, if he could play the silent card and get away with it, so could I. "Come on matey, you know as well as I do that it's a risk for you to be here at this hour."

I snapped my head round to face him, "What are they going too do? Kill me? You know as well as I do that they can't"

"Come on lass, please."

I felt bad, it was a rare example of me coming first. So I complied and went too step below deck. That was until Norrington stopped me. "And where is it you think your going?"

I stopped, "Below deck."

"And why is that?"

I couldn't exactly just tell the truth, as it's a whole lot more complicated than it were worth. "Well it's sleepy time mate ain't it."

"Hm. Fraid I don't quite believe you...pirate."

"That is a shame. I'll show myself to the brig aye?"

"Why don't I take you myself?"

I rolled my eyes, "If it'll keep you quiet."

"Awfully sorry to bother you Commodore, may I please speak to Miss Sparrow privatley." Elizabeth...

He looked at her and was obliged to follow, as her fiance. "If it pleases you, of course my lady." I walked over towards Elizabeth. Norrington smiled at her as he walked away.

"Belle, I know what your hiding."

I looked at her, "You know nothing."

"Hiding something from Will? Hiding from the moonlight? You're one of Barbossas crew."

Now I am many things: Pirate, Women, Theif, Liar, immortal. But I am NOT crew of Barbossa.

"Have you got that pretty little head screwed backwards? You think i'm taking a side with the dead?"

"Not exactly, I think your taking side with the unkillable."

"And yet, I'm on your ship?"

"How about you get inside before you turn. I don't trust you, but I will help you."

"You really are only out for yourself aren't you?"

"You have to be when your as rich as me."

I turned my back and walked inside the study. "You know lass, you spent a grand total of what? 2 days on Barbossas ship. And yet you think you know everything." I turned to look at her and i just smiled, "You stayed with the dead. undead. whatever you want to call them. And know everything about the curse? If I was on Barbossas crew why would I have saved you? If I thought it meant I could get out this bloody cycle." She said nothing, I just smiled and huffed, "Exactly. Why don't you start using that brain in your head. I know you got one. I request you leave me alone now, if you'd be so kind."

She looked me up and down, "I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request."

"You know. For accusing me of being one of Barbossa crew, you're starting to sound an awful lot like him." I took a futher step towards the study doors and held the handles of the door, "One more thing before I go inside... What do you propose to tell your beloved fiance and his crew when they go ambush the pirates?"

"What exactly do you mean?"

"Take me as an example, I could've killed everyone on this ship with no fear for me own life. Do you think a crew of undead pirates are going to be merciful? Because if you do, you better be bringing treasure... and a lot of it." She looked at me, dead silence. I simply smirked, looked too the deck of the ship and closed the study doors.

We were nearly at the island, and a fait it was going to be for the Dauntless crew. That is unless Miss Swann decides too warn them, but then again she might not? In the mean time I need to find something to cover me from the moonlight, an umbrella, a hat? I'm not sure, but I will be going over too that island.

Oh this will be fun :)



Oh this will be fun... Be's gone off the rails i've noticed? Seems unhinged.

Do you agree?

I'm sorry this is a short chapter, to be honest I used it as filler chapter to delay some action. But don't you worry, I've got a whole lot of chaos planned for us all.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter,
Thank you for reading lovelies

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