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"Sorry but it's for your own safety." Two crew members grabbing Elizabeth by both arms towards the study. I hid behind the door, after all, I wasn't exactly permitted to even be above deck.

"I don't care what the Commodore ordered! I have to tell him, the pirates, they're cursed! They can't be killed." She was literally screaming these words. But she actually told him.. I'm impressed dare I say.

"Don't worry miss, he's already informed of that. A little mermaid flopped up on deck and told him the whole story." He thought he was funny, I'll be sending Ragetti his way. Then we'll see who's laughing.

He shut and locked the study door and continued to laugh as he walked away.

Elizabeth hit the glass on the door and just screamed through the crack in the door, "This is Jack Sparrows doing!" She turned to face me, she had finally realised I was still here. I was laughing, of course, she had made such a fuss. "Glad to see you find it amusing." I felt like all the laughs had built up and i just let out a massive snort. "What Belle? Do you have a plan? Huh? Because your brother and Will are out on that island." Suddenly it wasn't funny anymore. "That is what i thought."

"Well do you have a grand escape idea? Because my brother is leading ur fiance to death."

"He wouldn't dare. The Commadore isn't that stupid."

"But my brother is that smart. He would do anything if he thought it would get him the Pearl." She said nothing, "So lassy, are you ready for my grand escape idea?"

"I highly doubt it would be of any use."

"That's fine then, you stay here and do whatever it is you posh folk do." I just smiled and edged towards the wardrobe and started pulling white sheets from it.


"Good, make yourself useful." I threw the sheets at Elizabeth, "Tie 'em together."

She looked at me, looked at the sheets in her hand and visually stuttered. She looked around the room and said nothing but, "um." repeatedly. "Yes right." Finally, some new words! "How do I do that?"

Oh lass. This is truly disasterous.
"A knot. Ma'am a knot." She looked at me more confused than normal. "Figure-eight knot? Granny knot?" Silence. "Clove hitch? Bowline?" Silence. "Oh my- overhand knot? Come on that's an easy one."

"Knots aren't exactly what you get taught at dame school."
Dame school of course. Where landlubbers go to learn a small education.

"In fact, you don't get taught them in finishing school either."

FINISHING SCHOOL. I truly forgot jusy how posh she is. She even went to a 'finishing school' to end her education in womenhood. Now if that ain't the most restricting thing for a female. Having to be a 'women'. I just want to be me, I want to be free. Don't need a man, don't got a massive house to clean, don't got little humans running at my feet. Just a ship and an ocean to hunt, search and find all the treasure. With all the time in the world.

"Right Miss Swann let me show you how to tie a knot..." I showed her an easy one, but one strong enough to be able to hold the weight of us both.

"So like this then..." She repeated exactly what i had done.

"Aye, just like that!" She's a quick learner i'll give her that.

"Um, miss Sparrow-"

"Please, it's Belle if you will."

"Right okay, Belle. What are going to do with a long line of bed sheets?" She stopped tying the knots and just looked at me. "I mean there's hardly enough to be able to lasso us onto the island! Or reach it at all for that matter."

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