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We rushed around each short cut on the island. I know my way around it like the back of my hand but for some reason the map in me head had...gone.

"We're lost."

"We're not lost lass. Just....searching." Left...right.. Forwards? maybe we should go back and try a different way hmmm.

"Bloody pirates."

"Princess." Now Be... why are we starting arguments.

"Excuse you. I am part of the-"

"The Kings navy, aye you've mentioned. Now shush, I must get me thinking hat on." She rolls her eyes at me, those annoyingly beautiful brown eyes. No wonder Will takes a fancy.

"Now look Ms Sparrow-"


She huffs and flares her nose at me, "Belle, if you're going to stand here like some sort of... some sort of dead man-"


"You really do have an answer for everything don't you."

I smirk up me right cheek, she knows me well already. "Aye missy, now if you'd kindly silence yourself."

"Don't tell me what to-"

I press my hands to her mouth and one finger to my lips, "Just...shhh" I take my hand away. "If one would listen, yous might hear speaking." Somewhere fading in the background, an almost silent speech....

"I must admit, Jack: I thought I had you figured. But turns out, you're a hard man to predict."

"Me? I'm dishonest. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest..."

"Elizabeth, listen too me. Me brother only gives his blitering dishonesty speech when he's planning something, Savvy?" She nods. "Any second now, something will happen. Just try follow the noise."

"That's actually rather smart I will admit Belle." She actually looked impressed.

"It's remarkable how often people don't place their trust in me..."

We continue to follow the sound, gradually it got louder.. Jack's speech continued.."Honestly! It's the honest ones you want to watch out for. Because you can never predict..."

"He's getting to the end of the speech Miss Swann. HURRY UP."

"When they're going to do something incredibly...stupid." It's over. That's his speech. Everytime he gives it, he wins. Everytime he confuses the other crew. Everytime.

Then... a splash. Then shouting. I stop.

"What is it Belle?"

"That's it. That's it end. The splash. The shouts..." She looked at me very confused. "How are your running legs?"
She looked at me like I'd shot her in the stomach. But she'll keep up. She'll have too.

I start running for the sound and soon we come to the entrance of the cave. "I told you I knew the way." Elizabeth, out of breath, just rolled her eyes. "I take you're not one who works off excitement."


"SHHHHHH. How many times lass." I look in the cave, Will is fighting another pirate, Jack with Barbossa."Listen me and you are going to Will. Jack will be fine with Barbossa. Will needs us. Aye?"

"I'm gonna teach you the meaning of pain."

"That's our cue.. Oh." She was already gone.

"You like pain...?" Elizabeth? SHE HAS A GAFFE IN 'HER 'HAND. she bloody whacked him over the head! "Try wearing a corset."

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