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"Who is the blazes are you!" A not very happy Governor.

I curtsied, "Belle, my name's Belle." I was trying to give a good impression, in the hope that their first assumptions weren't that I were pirate. I was hoping too stand flat footed for a little longer.

My brother pushed straight passed me and reached out a hand towards the Governor and the Commadore. "Ahh my old mates, so good too see you. Shall we skip the pleasantries. I want my boat back, I returned your daughter now help me get my boat back!"
He was acting stern, very unlike him.

"My daughter is out cold laying in my study. You hardly returned her in a proper manner!"

"BUT, return her I did." he raised an eyebrow and smirked up his left cheek.

"Now Sparrow, listen here!" Norrington decided to chip in. "You returned Miss Swann too us, correct. However we had no previous agreement that you would. So we owe you nothing." His face crunched together, "Do you understand pirate? Sorry let me correct myself so your small mind can understand... Do you savvy?"

Jack raised an eyebrow, "Yes, I savvy." He looked at me and just laughed a little, "I don't like him." He pointed at Norrington and walked back over too me.

"Now then, Belle is it?" They looked at me.

"Yes sir." I said, still remaining as posh as possible.

"How exactly did a maiden like you find yourself amongst a pirate, marooned on an island?"


Jack decided to step in again, "I saved her."

I don't need saving thanks Jack, but I'll take the favour I suppose.

"Right, yes. I was wondering the street the night that Port Royal got invaded, I was looking for my son. He's so interested in pirates you see, he heard the cannon fire and ran out! I followed after him but I couldn't find him. And that's when they grabbed me too."

The whole crew looked touched. "Touching story. Do you have last name, miss....?"

"Smith. I'm miss smith." well what was I supposed to say? Sparrow? That's a ticket too the gallows.

"Right Miss Smith. Do you have any idea how my poor daughter ended up passed out on a beach with a mark on her head? Was it him, because if it was you tell me now and we'll have him shot and thrown overboard!" His paced quickened the more he spoke, he was stressed as any father would be I suppose.

"The sun Governor. It's awfully hot out here. She caught her head on a rock in the ground when she passed out, poor darling." I think I'm going to throw up - I can't believe I called her darling.

"Oh my poor little girl. Commadore take Miss Smith inside too see my daughter and get her some hot rags so she may help Elizabeth."
The Commadore nodded, "Whilst your doing that take Mr Sparrow down to the brigg please."

"Of course Sir." He grabbed Jack by one arm and gently escorted me towards the study. "Do give me a moment miss whilst I deal with your rescu-.. whilst I deal with this pirate." I nodded and sat next too Elizabeth on the bed. "Please, um redress yourself into something more appropriate. It's in the draw, for you."

He left, Jack looked disapointed in me. Not that I blame him, I did just leave him and deny any relation too him. I felt bad, yes but what's the point in us both going down when the other could potentially help?

I went over too the draw and found a light cream coloured dressed, it was stunning. A shock to the system really, I've only seen these dresses on other people, never got close enough to even smell the perfume that ligners on them.

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