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Bloody storms. The wind harsher than ever, the sea attacking us on our own vessel. The ship rocking. The sea claims many sailors in storms and sends em to the Locker of Davy Jones. Forever.

I look at Will, completely soaked helping with the security of the ship and slipping everywhere. He hasn't got the best sea legs, poor lad.

The crew are wonderful sailors and doing a great job at keeping the ship afloat. Will is starting to blend in.

I looked at Will and shouted over the sound of crashing waves, "Are you alright Will!?" He looked at me with water pouring into his eyes, his eyes squinted but still directed at me, "Yes!" I nodded, "Aye good!"

"Be how are we finding an island that can't be found with a compass that doesn't work!?" He shouted at me and stopping tying up the rope. "Will, DO NOT let go of that rope, it'll send the whole ship down!" He quickly grabbed the rope and carried on tying it. "And place trust in me brother, he may be a loon but behind it there do be logic." He nodded unsure and struggled over to Mr Gibbs.

"How can we sail to an island that nobody can find with a compass that doesn't work?" I rolled my eyes, he just had to know the answer didn't he. It made me laugh a little though.

"Aye, that compass don't point north, But we're not trying to find north, are we?" Mr Gibbs nodded and walked away towards the wheel. I hobbled back over to Will and laughed, "You just had to know didn't you?" He looked at me and laughed awkwardly, "Curiosity I suppose" a little grin forming on his soaked face.


The wind is still strong but calmer now and moving the ship along smoothly. Anamaria is at the wheel and I am sat with William.

He's quite kind you know, very honest being. But he's got pirate blood and I intend to bring it out.

"So Will, what exactly are you doing on this ship and how did yourself become aquatinted with Captain Jack Sparrow?"

He sat with his arms on his knees fiddling with a stone he'd found. He looked at me and placed the stone on the barrel in front of us.

"Well, Belle-"

"Be." I corrected him

"Um, Be. When the Black Pearl attacked Port Royal-"

I gave off an expression of understanding, "Oh that explains a lot..." He looked at me confused, "Um...sorry?"

"Oh right well you know your posh tone, not muddy or rum covered shirt. Hygiene at its best... Couldn't possibly be anything but a land lubber. Anyway do continue"

"Oh um okay.." He looked at me with an awkward smile. "I was fending off pirates, when out the corner of my eye I saw a group of pirates taking away Miss Swan." He looked at me and motioned circles with his hands,"that's the Governors daughter."

"Aye, gathered by last name, so before you continue. All this. For a lass? You traveled to Tortuga from Port Royal with a PIRATE... for a girl?" I asked shaking my head out of confused.

"Well, yes. I suppose if you want to put it like that. But she's not just some girl-"

"Well are you sure your bonnie lass wants saving? Cause I wouldn't be impressed by being saved. Could do that all by ones self"

"Well-" He stuttered.

"I'm just sayin' Will if you intend to woo said lass with an army of flea ridden pirates. Well. Did you really think this through?" I questioned, taking a sip of rum whilst I waited for a response.

"Um.. Well correct, yes I intend to save her. Like you pointed out, not that she needs it, perhaps. But I love her. She has been everything to me from when she saved me-"

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