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A small island, not much wider than 50 metres. It stretches quite far though. Palm trees across the entire island, only a few short paces from the other.

Golden sand reflecting the sun, beaming an unimaginable shine from the floor and not a windy breeze too be seen or felt.

I'd call it paradise, but not Jack. Too Jack it's hell, I guess it's rather difficult to love something when you have no freedom to leave when you want.

I swum up towards the beach but stayed low in the water, I feel like making an entrance.

"That's the second time I've had to watch that man sail away with my ship." Jacky stood on the edge of the beach, his dreadlocks dripping and you could tell he was hurting. "The second time he sailed away with my sister too."

"But she's right-"

"Miss Swann, do not interrupt me when i am mourning the loss of my sister for the second time." He looked into her deep brown eyes, and held her soft hands in his rough and muddy, filthy, pirate ones, "It's just the two of us now, we must..." A little smirk appeared on his face, him and his bloody 'masculine' needs, "Embrace our final moments, savvy?" Placing his right hand on the right of her face he started to rub her cheek with this thumb.

You know that feeling when ye parents kiss in front of you, this is like that...

She looked at him, narrowed her eyes and turned her top lip up in disgust, "You filthy-"

"Must I stand here and watch me brother try to kiss this poor lass" I'd swum out from the water and stood on the shore, ringing out my soaking wet hair. "Cause frankly I'd rather just drown myself. If that's were this is going just let me know. There be plenty water."

"Belle? BE!" Jack instantly let go of Elizabeth and ran straight towards me. He picked me up and then hugged me mid air. "Thank Davy Jones that your okay!" I gave him a weird look and he let out an awkward cough and dropped me back to where I previously stood before, "I mean, nice to see you matey."

I've never been more confused, thankful but confused. It ain't often that me older brother show open affection for me. "Right..." I scanned the beach and watched Miss Elizabeth who seemed to be muttering to herself and tryna to clean her cheek from the mud print Jack left.
I pointed at her, "Jack look what you done to the poor miss, left her muddy."

He laughed, "Couldn't resist me devilish charm." He confidently said whilst twisting his mustache.

"Can you stop flirting with Miss Swann and get us off this devil island!" I snapped, aye I didn't mean too but all Jack seems to do is go after the women.

"Oh yes... we're in a nightmare." Counting his footsteps he paced towards the palm trees.

Elizabeth ran over to us, "Are you going to get us off this island Mr Sparrow?" She seems to have a wee temper.

"Please." He paused and looked at her, "Shut your pretty face." He patted her head once and carried on.

She huffed and then ran back towards us, "You're Captain Jack Sparrow! You vanished from under the eyes of six agents of the East India Company!"

"Seven actually." He corrected her, carring on he knocked on a tree and paced north facing for a few more steps.

"Ugh, you sacked Nassau port without even firing a shot! Are you the pirate I've read about, or NOT?" Everyone stopped, Jack looked at me and gestured towards Elizabeth. He was asking me to shut her up, I just shrugged and laughed. She looked at me confused. Brushing it off she went back on her Princess rant, "How did you escape last time?"

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