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A black cloud of smoke filled the air, the island wasn't big enough to escape it.

The air grew warmer, hotter as the smoke began eating it away.

"Swann, are you sure this is a controlled fire? I'm all for an adventure, but death ain't one i'm ready to explore yet."

"Oh yes, i'm quite certain it's... controlled. To a form I suppose." She seemed confident.

"To a form... what does that mean?" Ain't too promising, it's controlled or it's wild.

"Well really if you think about it, when is a fire REALLY EVER controlled? At the end of the day i created it and i can put it out if needed..."


"But no. In summary, I have no control over this." She turned to face me, and just smiled. "But it's the best way to get off this island."

"Right. And you posh landlubbers are suppose to be smart! They say us pirates are stupid, i am starting to disagree love..."

She smiled awkwardly and shrugged her shoulders. "It'll be fine! Just..." She picked up a barrel, "Just keep throwing more on." She threw it and the fire spat back.

Great. This is. Just. Great.

Wills gone, the crew are most certainly going to die and i'm stuck on this island with a drunk sleeping pirate and a posh maiden gone mad.

I heard a sniffle coming from behind me and the sound of someone sitting up.

I turned around and saw Jack starting too wake up.

"Great. Just what i need." I rolled my eyes and carried on throwing wood onto the fire

Jack quickly got up to his feet and ran over, waving two hands in the air frantically.


I threw another barrel on and turned to face my brother, "Good morning brother, how'd you sleep?"

He fell to his knees in shock and started pointing to the fire, he tried to speak but no words came out his mouth.  "What? Can't take a small fire?"


"I what? huh?"

"YOU'VE BURNED ALL THE FOOD, THE SHADE....the rum..." He curled into a ball on the cold sandy floor.

"Yes the rum is gone." Elizabeth spoke finally, continuing to grow the fire."

"regretably..." i chipped in, under me breath tho.

Jack sat up quickly, "why is the rum gone..." a tear in his eye.

"ONE, because it is a vile drink that turns even the most respectable men into complete scoundrels." 

"Oopsies Jacky, don't think she was impressed by your dreads."

"TWO, that signal." she pointed too the sky, "Is over a thousand feet high. The entire Royal Navy is out looking for me. Do you really think that there's even the slightest chance that they won't see it?"

Forgot she were posh...

"but... why is the rum gone."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and sat at the edge of shore, legs crossed and facing the sea.

"Just wait, Captain Sparrow. Give it an hour, maybe two."

"Keep a weather eye open." I nodded looking too the sea.

"Yes, exactly. There will be white sails on that horizon." She nodded and continued too look out.

I turned to Jack, he pointed and cocked his pistol at the back of Elizabeths head, I raised an eyebrow at him. He turned the gun away and turned it too face him instead. I put a hand out, telling him too give me his pistol. He placed it in my hand and walked off in a strop.

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