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All the pirates from the Pearl grabbed one of the crew and bought them over to the Pearl in excitement. All except one.


They tied the crew around the mast with rope, it weren't that tight. I could get out if I wanted. But too what cause? We've sailed away from the Interceptor. It's still in view but I'd be shark food by then.

Might as well let Barbossa think he's winning for a little.

"If any of you so much as thinks the word 'Parley' I'll 'have your guts for garters!" Pintel came round holding a cocked gun to our chests. I just rolled me eyes.

Barbossa walked over too me with his pig mess smelling breath. Even a rotting corpse don't smell as bad as 'his breath.

"Ah, Miss Sparrow!" He smiled right in my face. I made no expression.
"Nice to see you again-"

"Why? 'did ye miss me?" I interrupted. I got right in his face and smiled.

He just smiled and walked over to the edge of the ship, he held the medallion in his hand and stared into the distance.

Elizabeth got out the ropes and started walking towards Barbossa. I looked at her and shook me 'head. She ran a little then suddenly stopped.

A bang, the whole sea rippled as smoke filled our lungs.

In the background we all watched The Interceptor blow up. Weren't no trace of it left. Jack looked shocked.

"WILL!" I screamed. No.

"YOU-" Elizabeth rushed to Barbossa. She released a fire, wouldn't want to be the one she was shouting at. Barbossa grabbed her by the wrist, and looked her dead in the eye, "Welcome back miss. You took advantage of our hospitality last time. It holds fair now you return the favor." He started to laugh but then he tossed her to some pirates who started hooting at her and grabbing her, holding her by 'her wrists, 'her hair, 'her arms.

"FOR THE LAST TIME GET 'YOUR HANDS OFF HER!" I reached for my pistol and shot it too the sky. They looked at me and laughed, "We can't die remember Sparrow." I put me gun back and walked towards one of the pirates holding Elizabeth. I kicked him where he could feel it, he fell. Another grabbed me from behind, I elbowed him in the face. More kept coming and comin'. Elizabeth was fighting back. They punched her round the face and she fell to the floor unconcious.

I looked at him, he looked at me. "You never touch a lady like that mate! Savvy?" I was walking towards him, but i got ambushed by 5 other pirates that held me back away from Elizabeth.

"Belle, be smart lass." Jack spoke to me over the ship. I looked at him, I pulled my arm away from their grasp. I looked at Jack and loosend up a lil' but they 'held me no less tight.

"Now then, where was I. Right." He looked at Mr Cotton. "Plank, or shot?" He smiled.

"BARBOSSA!" It was Will... SHIT IT'S WILL! I looked at him and smiled. He's alive. I didn't doubt no, but I thought the sea had claimed him. Thought that the last time i were to see Mr William Turner would be below deck of a sinking ship.

"The ladies go free!" He pointed at me and Elizabeth. He jumped onto the deck and cocked a pistol towards Barbossa.

"What's in your head boy?" Barbossa took a step forward.

"They. Go. Free."

"You've only got one shot and we can't die."

Will looked around and at Jack, "Please don't do anything stupid." Jack mouthed over to Will holding 'his 'hands together.

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