Chapter 4

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Kao (pov)

I waa reading through the rules that pete sent sipping on my coffee waiting for Rome to show up

I heard the door open for the cafe followed by a rather heavy and exaggerated sigh making me look up

Pick is not as perfect as he thought huh

He had a rather prominent frown on his face his steps looking heavier than usual

I raised my hand flashing a smile when he looked over . Rome quickly rushed over depositing himself I front of me

"So how did it go ?" I asked calmly and he sighed rolling his eyes

"You know how it went " he snapped

"He.. he's not what I thought he was " rome added whining a bit and I nodded Along

"You know he cut me off before I could get my Introduction out .. not only that he doesn't like physical contact so when he took my phone or gave it back it felt like I was some contagious virus he shouldn't come in contact with oh and don't get me started on him eyeing me down and asking me if I'll be able to drive I wanted to strangle him I swear to god " rome said his voice sounding of pure frustration

You see my brother has had people come up to him and make fun or tease him for his height he's not the tallest of the bunch , but now because he started carrying a I'm short but I'll fuck you up attitude he soon became the guy people would rather not mess with .

So if someone Jokes about or focuses on his height out of everything he'll most likely curse them out or in this case strangle them

"Ooi Rome I'm sure he didn't mean it in a bad or insulting way " I said Making him raise an eyebrow

"Who's side are you on ?"

"Yours ! " I immideately replied and he hummed along

"How about you ? How was your interview ?" He asked and I took a deep breath

"Well. He shouted at me for no apparent reason . He saw my résumé and saw that I was studying to be a director and he popped off like ... Something about making connections it all went over my head oh and this " I said handing him the 200 pages worth of rules

While waiting for Rome I got the thing printed and spiralled so I don't have to find the file on my phone every time

"Woah .. how many does he keep to give you this ?" Rome asked going through the little book

"Oh that .. I did that I got it printed before you came "

"Why doesn't that shock me as much as it should .. also this looks a little too detailed don't you think ?" He asked and i hummed along sipping on my coffee

"Isn't his father the director you really like ? What's his name .. James or jack something " rome said still reading through the list

I heaved a huge sigh feeling annoyed at myself

"What happened ?" Rome asked looking up

"That's what he meant.. Jack Vihokratana is his father . I totally missed that connection . And me acting clueless when he said that I shouldn't expect to gain any connections through this might have made him angrier.. that makes more sense now " I said shaking my head while rome looked at me confused

"Why did we think being assistants is a good first job what's wrong with being a barrista ?" Rome said making me laugh

"Because the company pays really really well and the expensive taste we have when it comes to parties and drinking might not be fulfilled by being a barrista " I said and he whined

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