7.Special Chapter : Mommy dearest

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Pete (pov)

Why the fuck are people so fast ?!?" Mae Godji exclaimed 

"what happened phi ?" pick asked 

Godji looked up to look towards me making my heart drop down in  concern,

"what happened phi ?"

"your father talked about the situation to the tabloid... we might have an issue"she said making me groan

Ofcourse he did because that who he does.

Kao put his hand on my shoulder as mae pulled up the video on her phone.

It was a freez frame of my father with a paparazzi person getting stopped infront of his office building.

"Play it already phi" I said groaning.

While kao slightly pressed on my shoulder making me sigh as I calmed down a bit

"Sir sir ~ can we get your comment on the recent  events that took place with nong Pete and his new lover"

"Oh... Uhm I'm shocked but if this is
what pete wants then who am I to say anything"

"But aren't you con~"

"Ofcourse I am  he's my son ! I don't
want anyone misuse him and I know how
certain people are "


"I mean the boy was his personal assistant I know how these things work... It's not hard to seduce someone who's hurting"

"What do you mean sir ?"

"Me and my wife just had a divorce,
he must be hurting so I just hope that he
Doesn't  get played... I mean his friend also is in a similar situation and as far as I know the two boys are related"


"Hah I mean sometimes things like this
runs in the blood"

"They are related ? That's new information"

"Really ? Oh I shouldn't have said
anything ... I need to leave now "

"Did he just~" rome stuttered

"Insult our family !" Kao finished his sentance.

While me and pick looked at one another sighing.

"Boys people are going to be vicious so sit tight I need to head back to work to figure it out ... I'll call you guys when we figure something out" mae said and we all nodded

Mae came over giving all of us a hug but unfortunately it didn't really help as much as it should.

She sighed before leaving us.

"He's the most manipulative man to ever existed I mean he didnt go against me but at the same time pushed people against you two Arghhhh can I not be his son ?" I groaned

"It's not your fault phi" rome said

"Yeah pete it's okay we'll figure it out" kao said and i sighed

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