Chapter 51

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I've been so lazyyyy ahh

If there's any errors ~im sorry in advance


Pete (pov)

"Yo! I got your mail too !"

"I don't like how you come into my house like this I gave your a key for emergencies !"

"Help pete it's an emergency ! I got your mail now take it " pick said as he sat down beside me on the couch putting all the things down on the coffee table

"What's the box ?" I asked looking at the dark wood box with gold engraving

"I don't know I got one too !" Pick said

I straightened up to get a better look

"Woah this looks fancy ! Hey ! It has my name engraved on it !" I said

"Mine too !"

We were both thorrowly intrigued now

Both opening it up at the same time

"Shut the front door ! " Pick exclaimed

"This must be a prank " I replied

"Yeah but who's gonna go to this extent to prank us ?" He asked going though the contents of the box

"Why .. I mean why in the world would we be invited to a royal party ?" I replied reading through the invitation

"Khun Pick Adulkittiporn , you are cordially invited to the royal party on that date at 3Pm ~"

"At the palace. Hahah they don't live in a house it's a fucking palace I forgot about that..  uh.. the dress code is formal and oo it says to bring a plus one ~" I said

"We also encourage our guests to bring along their personal aide what's a personal aide ? " pick said

"Assistants aw that's sweet that they add them too .. why should only the bosses have all the fun ?" I replied smiling

"But .. uh...I'm pretty sure we're gonna put them as plus one " he said and i nodded

"Definitely I mean you're dating rome and.. uh~"

"You like kao "

"What ? What gave you that idea ?!" I said all defencively making him raise an eyebrow

"What ?" I asked

"The crush you've been asking advice for . Duh it's kao you may be a good actor but somehow you're a horrific liar ! " He said and i pouted

"Hey I can lie " I said

"Yeah so look me in the eye and tell me that you don't like kao !" He said looking towards me

"I.. I don't like .. uh.. kao !" I said and immideately looked away

Crap that's Harder than expected

"Wow. How are you a well celebrated actor again ?" He said and narrowed my eyes towards him

"Shut up !"

"Ah ah forget about that and what are we gonna do about this ?" He asked waving the letter around  and i shrugged

"well first we need to call .. to RSVP .. lets do that ! " I said pulling out my phone and dialing the number and putting it on speaker

"Wait ! Wha~"

"This is a pre-recorded message You've reached the office of the royal highness. Press one to connect to a worker press 2 to " the automatic voice started talking and before it could finish I pressed one

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