8. Special chapter: Friends Family and more!

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~its the final chapter so I made it a bit long~
*4years later*

Kao (pov)

"Khun Maya along with Nong Lucas and Levi have arrived" the guard announced opening the door wide.

Phi Pick's mother walked in bowing down.

"Oho Phi Maya please don't do that we're all family now" aunty Catherine said.

"Eheh this is still very new to me" aunty maya said putting a small smile.

"I know right coming through that secret entrance makes my heart race" mae Helen said

"Oh god I thought I was the only one" aunty Maya replied.

"Aau David let's change up the entrance then I don't want them to feel uncomfortable" my mother spoke while my father who was busy stuffing his face quickly nodded giving a thumbs up.

"Ahah you don't have to do that" Helen said.

"Aau why not you guys are our extended family now we will do anything and everything to make you feel at home" aunty Catherine said.

"Oo what's the plan for the girls trip we were doing ?" My mother said

And with that all the mothers started with their own conversation, while they did that the twins were having their own little time,

Both Lucas and Levi immediately came and clinged onto Rome which rome very readily accepted and reciprocated.

"Gosh how are you guys so tall already, stop growing at the speed of light" Rome cried.

"And stop clinging onto him you guys arnt kids anymore" Pick howled.

"Awe but we love phi Rome" Lucas said.

"Yeah phi Rome is ours" Levi added making phi pick raise an eyebrow.

"Since when? Let go of my Husband"

"We aren't married"

"We will be now let go of him you hooligans!!" Pick said.

And with that the four were now running around the room laughing.

Pete on the other hand was in a very deep conversation with my uncle Henry and Por.

"So you think I should invest it there? Would it be beneficial for my publication though"

"Well you're doing great and this is just an extension it wouldn't really effective the publication" por said and pete nodded.

You heard that right Publication.

We'll let me fill you in on the past four years, after both me and Rome graduated we immediately started working here and there before starting up our own studio together.

As for Phi Pick well he finally decided to start his education back up again and he's been studying to become a veterinarian alongside being an actor ofcourse.

Pete on the other hand decided to quit the company, he decided it would be better to be a freelance actor than working under a company, mainly because he wanted to focus on his writing a bit. He sent a draft of his book to multiple publications under an alias and they liked it so much so that they offered to publish it, ever since then he got so emmersed in this world that he even started his own publication.

As for how we've been as couples well after the whole Leaked Photograph debacle, it was a bit hard but it all settled down, actually no it's all good now why ? Because we now have fans.

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