Chapter 45

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Third person (pov)

Both Rome and Pick were all packed up ready to leave early morning both recieving the most emotional goodbyes from picks family

"Please come back soon phi rome " lucas cried as he hugged onto rome

"Yeah please phi " Levi added

"Let go of him boys they need to leave .. but yeah pick make sure to bring rome next time too" Their mother said and pick gulped giving a small unsure nod

"We'll see mae " pick Mumbled which fortunately went unheard by all

"Khap mae.. I'd love to be back you guys too ! Be nice and don't trouble your mother " rome said to the two boys

"Yes sir !"

"Khapp !"

Both Lucas and Levi replied

Rome got down to the twins level

"Now go give your brother a big warm hug too" he whispered

Both Lucas and Levi nodded letting go of rome and going to their brother

"Come home soon phi pick "

"Yeah we miss you here "

The boys said making pick feel a bit emotional but he held it back

"I'll be back don't worry ! Take care boys and take care of mae too !"

"Aau ? I'm not dying both of you make it sound like I need help ! I'm a strong independent woman god damn it !" Mae said huffing making everyone laugh

Which all ended in a big family hug where rome decided to stay out of he just stood there admiring the family smiling from ear to ear

Feeling all warm and fuzzy


The two were back on the road heading home rome was checking out his calander for future exams and low and behold he had one

"Phi pick.. I've got an exam next week so.. I might have to take a day or two off to prepare" rome said and pick just hummed not bothering to look towards the smaller

Rome looked towards the taller trying to analyse if everything was okay because pick seemed really quite than usual

"Phi pick " rome called out

"What !" Pick quipped making rome flinch a bit

"Uh.. nothing but are you feeling okay ? Do you need anything ? Maybe I can drive for a while~"

"I'm okay nong , just tired .. I wanna go home that's it " pick said and rome nodded

But the use of nong didn't really go past rome

He's used to hearing either Shorty or Rome from the older never just nong so it all felt a little weird

"Oh okay.. but if you want I can drive if you're tired "

"That won't be necessary " pick said and rome again just nodded not arguing back

Maybe he's emotional because he's going back.. maybe.. rome thought as he looked at pick in concern


Both Pete and kao were on their way to the photoshoot

Neither talking about what had happened last night not the dinner and most definitely not the post dinner

"So what's the shoot About ?" Kao asked trying to make small talk

"Uh.. I'm not sure actually mae just told me it's a shoot nothing else but I think it's for a magazine" pete said and kao nodded

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