1. Extra chapter : Meet The Parents

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So I was planning on making a long epilogue but ended up with making this instead

These are not going to be how long my chapters usually are

Third person (pov)

"Are you dating my son for his money ?"

"Por we started dating when he didn't know.. I'm his assistant remember" rome sighed talking for his boyfriend who was currently in looking like a marble statue

The royal couple decided against meeting at the palace since they realised pick would feel more uncomfortable and Because kao was out of the country rome suggested for them to meet at his apartment

Hence here they were in Rome's appartment

"Oh so you were dating your employee.. ~" pick shook his head immediately

"Calm down will you ! The boy looks like he's going to go into shock .. .. uh rome honey could you check if he already hasn't ?" Catherine said as she shushed her husband and looked over at pick

"Aw babe please he's the boyfriend I need to b~" he started but soon stopped when he saw his wife's face

"I'll shut up " Henry said making rome Chuckle

"Thanks mae .. " rome said as he put his attention back to his boyfriend

"Phi pick.. ? " Rome called out

"Yeah ?" Pick replied his voice barely audible

"See what you've done ?! The boy is so scared.. pick honey he was just being extra " Catherine said and pick have a small nod and tried to give a smile and failed

"Are you sure about this one rome ? He's.. he's.. a bit weird"Henry said looking at the pale boy 

"Sorry sir ." Pick quickly said looking down

"Ooi por ! Stop it ! I'm serious about him !" Rome cried making pick look towards him

With a small smile

"I'm very serious about him too" pick Mumbled making rome blush and look back at the older

"Look he's got some colour back !" Catherine exclaimed seeing pick

"Only after rome made him blush " Henry shook his head

"Whats with them ?" He added

"Aw they are in love honey ! "

"No rome is still too young !" He said making Catherine look towards him

"He came out of me almost 21 years ago ! He ain't that young .. plus don't you see ? " she said making Henry shake his head

"I sometimes forget where he gets his sassyness from .. plus what's going on ? I feel like thin air right now "

"Hey ! Rome ! Pick !" He added

"Huh ? Oh sorry por !" Rome Smiled cutely

"Sorry sir !" Pick added

While Catherine pouted at her husband for ruining the moment

"Sir.. I can assure you my relationship with your son is not because I'm after his money or because I'm trying to misuse my authority as his boss ... Sir I truly appreciate his companionship and I truly value and care for him !"

"Appreciate his companionship ? Son which era are you living in ?" Henry said making rome laugh while pick got flustered


"Stop apologising already ! Look nong pick " he said earning everyone's attention

"Khap !"

"Neither me nor Catherine have anything against you and rome.. why would we our son is happy with you and it's his choice who he wants to be with .. however dating someone with his soon to be status is going to be different and difficult " Henry said and Catherine nodded along

"He knows how it feels" Catherine said

" So before you two get deep into it I'd highly recommend that you understand what you're getting into because once rome and Kao become public figures  there's going to be days where you won't be able to contact him just because .. then the media is going to be ruthless ..more than what you're used to .. and hate a lot of it ! To you and sometimes even to your family " Henry said making both Rome and pick to look at one another

Both concerned

"Now I know this is all long term but I genuinely believe that all this needs to be known and understood well in advance "

"I'm ready for it sir , whenever it shall be I'll be ready to face it ~"pick said proudly

"I don't want him to get hate though~" rome pouted

"Rome you can't control everyone it's alright please don't pout like that " pick said before Henry or Catherine could

"But what if th~"

"It's in the future rome not right now .. when it'll happen we'll figure it out right ?" Pick said smiling

"We'll help eachother out right ?" He added and rome nodded

"Obviously !"

"Then why are you getting so caught up in it ? We'll figure it out ! " Pick said and rome Smiled nodding

"He's a good boy na ?" Catherine whispered to her husband

"He can control our little demon ..I underestimated him  " Henry whispered back making Catherine chuckle

The rest of the dinner went by smoothly pick was still a bit stiff while talking to Henry and Catherine but rome was there to help him out

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