Chapter 24

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Early update because I'm dead tired and sleepy I won't be awake till 12 so here you go


Pick (pov)

It's been a couple days since the news broke out about the Bad director !

I suppose you guys already know who I'm talking about but if not then I mean director doofus .. come to think of it me and Pete have use that Nick name for so long that I actually don't remember his actual name ehehe oops

But ever since the news broke out Pete had to give many answers to the press like did he ever face anything ! Stuff like that .. Pete considered himself lucky for these additional press meetings because then he didn't have to spend time with Sarah that girl will be nowhere to be seen after his birthday I can guarantee that to you right now but whatever floats her boat I suppose

I'm honestly quite happy for Kao too because according to Pete he drags him along everywhere poor nong has to suffer Sarah's annoyingness

And I'm sure they are starting production back up really soon though so that's good ! Lucky their production didn't face any major setbacks and it's all going to be all according to schedule 

I'm happy for him finally being able to partially stand up for himself .. I say partially because there's still a lot that he held back on but hey a start is a Start !

"Phi pick !"

"Huh ? What happened shorty ?"

Me and rome were currently in my trailer  .. god when will these outdoor shoots end it's so stupidly hot out .. so any free time I have I spend in here with shorty ofcourse

"I'm going out to grab water we're short of it here you want anything else ?" He asked and I took a second to think before shaking my head

"Nope I'm good ! If you want anything you can grab it " I said and he nodded

"Okay I'll be right ba~"

"Aau nong Rome ! Are you going somewhere ?" Rome's words got cut off by Madeline who just entered the trailer

Rome Smiled and nodded

"Khap phi .. I'm going to grab water do you want anything ?" He asked

"Could I get one coconut water please "

"Sure !" He smiled

"Aww that's so sweet nong thank you " Madeline cheered

"Haha it's nothing phi I'll be right back " he said before exiting

"Alright while he's away start talking !" Madeline suddenly said as she took a seat infront of me making me flinch

"What the ~ what's with the change in attitude ? " I asked and she chuckled

"Tell me ! You and nong Rome what's happening ?" She asked almost squealing  making me narrow my eyes up a little

Why is she asking this ?

"Madeline what are you on about ! What would go between me and him ?" I said trying to act nonchalantly

"Yeah yeah save that for the press ! Pick I know you .. plus the video that phi john sent sai~"

"What video ?" I asked in a slight panick making her laugh

"The dancing video pick .. what other video is out there ?" She smirked making me gulp

Right what other video could there be ?

"Ahah yeah so it's a dancing video what about it ?" I asked awkwardly

"Tsk ! Stop pretending already ! You've seen the video yourself you know exactly what I'm talking about " she said and i scoffed

"You're delusional Madeline " I scoffed making he roll her eyes

"Oh please pick you're the most snobbiest person I know you have a problem with everything hence the reason why you fire all your previous assistants you fired one because her dress was too bright .. if this was any normal case rome would have gotten fired because you would have found something ! But it's almost been three week and you haven't found anything wrong " she said and i looked at her with one eyebrow raised

What's wrong with wanting to keep an assistant ? There's a slight chance that I let this one do whatever he wants but that's about it

"Not to mention I've seen rome talking back to you an~"

"Fine fine ! It's because !"

"Because ?"

Because what pick ? What do you want to say ?

"Mae Godji ! "

"Huh ?"

"Mae put down a condition for me and Pete to keep our assistants for atleast a month otherwise she'll kick us out of her care and you know how much I like mae Godji ! That's why I'm uh I'm putting up with it all " I said stuttering a bit gulping down

That's so not the reason ! But I don't know the actual reason myself why I keep letting him do what he wants so this'll do

"Oh rea~"

Ah crap I'm doomed

"Phi they had coconut water with and without coconut chunks I didn't know which one you'd like so I got em both " rome said smiling

Madeline looked towards me in panic but quickly put up a smiling face for Rome

"Ah thank you so much nong .. I'm sorry for making you go all the way "

"Ah no phi I was going to get water anyways so please don't apologise " he said

He has still not looked towards me

"Phi you want water ?" He asked looking towards me his smile look so much more forced

Ahh did he hear us ? Nooo ! We had finally gotten a bit more comfortable together

"Rome~" I called out

"Water ?" He asked cutting me off I just gulped and shook my head no

"I'm good .. thank you " I replied and he just nodded before going towards the fridge and putting in all the water bottles in

"Do you think he heard us ?" Madeline whispered making me look away from rome

I simply just shrugged while I continued to look at Rome with guilt in my eyes

Stupid pick ! You could have just told her that you liked this assistant ! That's it why the fuck did you have to tell her that thing huh ?


The entire rest of the day rome didn't look at me at all I mean he did but it was only  to ask if I wanted anything that's it

All our conversations were so short

Once everything was wrapped up we were walking towards my car

"I want to drive " he said making me look at him

"Huh ? No rome I'll drop you home it's getting la~"

"It's not like I'll be here after a week so let me drive you home and do my job " he said snatching away the keys from my hand

While I gulped

He heard it


I don't know who y'all would like to kill more
Me or pick


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