3. Extra chapter: locked room & forgiveness

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The Locked room portion of this story was mentioned
wayy back in the beginning of this story

Also this is a long one.. 👀


Kao (pov)

It's been a few weeks since me and pete got back from our getaway , and if you're wondering what's happening with rome and phi pick

Well phi might have booked a getaway to bora bora with a private bunglow for the two .

Do I think that this sounds like a honeymoon ? YES absolutely !

It's not just me and pete who were surprised to hear the plan even rome was shell shocked hearing his phi talk about the getaway .. he felt horrible that he had made his phi spend so much just because he got upset

But phi pick assured him that he had been planning on taking a vacation too and this just fit in.. yeah we all believe him absolutely a hundred percent

Anyways they'll have fun I suppose

{A/n I'm saying it right now I won't be writing the pick rome vacation 👉🏻👈🏻 sorru in advance}

As for me and pete ? Well nothing much has changed other than the random and constant bear hugs from him and random kisses

Oh and the way he talks has changed ... Alright a lot has changed

Now a days I find myself blushing at eveything he does even the smallest of the things which isn't the best thing when all i get afterwards is

"oh kao are you sick ? Is everything okay ?"

I'm good I'm just flustered because my stupid boyfriend had a sudden urge to be absolutely adorable and make me feel all sorts of ways !

Anyways moving on I even found out that on the second or third day when I had asked for the weekend off and he had rejected .. he wasn't upset about anything he had gotten jealous because earth had asked me to come with him ..

I.. I'm speechless that Idiot is like a fucking kangaroo Jumping from one conclusion to another

And jealous ? Of what exactly ! He didn't even like me back then !

Anyways let's not get rattled up about that today is an important day !

Why ?

Well because Pete's mother if finally filing her divorce and they're doing it at Pete's apartment he took a day off today and after frantically raiding his closet he is finally in the shower

Me ? Well I'm cleaning around because that's what I do when I'm a bit nervous .. I'm nervous for both Pete and Helen

You know what!  I should just go hurry him up he's been in the bathroom for ages

I was about to walk to his room when the the closed door opposite to the guest bedroom caught my eye

"I've never cleaned in there .. huh I wonder what this room is " I said

Because pete has at some point asked me not to go in there , I've been in the guest room a few times now but never in there

I peeked over to Pete's room

"I hear the shower running so .. I'll just quickly take a peek.. it's most likely just a extra bathroom or something " I mumbled before jiggling the knob

"Oo it's open.. I thought it'd be locked or something !" I said before going in

Okay so it's not a bathroom .. it's a stud~

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