Chapter 28

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Third person (pov)

It's only been a day since the new director came in and

Pete already DESPISES him

No it's not because phi sun treats him badly oh no no .. and it's definitely not because the man can't do his job it's rather the opposite

Sun actually does an absolute amazing job being the director giving him useful tips and giving him rather easy to follow directions as to how he wants the scene to be making it easier for them to understand and also making the whole process a lot smoother and faster

The man's perfect .

And that's the whole reason why pete despises him the man is perfect

Hence pete get's to hear kao tell him the exact same thing .

I don't like hearing that ! One bit ! How can kao call me so many things and never once praise me but here comes a director and kao suddenly got so many kind words added to his vocabulary ! Bullshit I tell you pure bullshit ! ~pete

Currently pete was standing near Sarah further away from the rest do the crew waiting for Sarah's make-up to get retouched for the scene

His eyes trailed off towards where kao was standing Kao stood underneath the shade near director Sun .

"He doesn't need to see everything that director is doing " pete Mumbled under his breath

"Wait are they talking now ? "

"Why is kao smiling so much ? "

"Why is he sitting down next to him ? Huh ? "

"Is he blushing ?why ! ?"

~meanwhile on the other side~

Phi sun looked over towards his main lead who was currently eyeing someone down his eyes followed the trail only to land on the pale boy

"Uh nong Kao ?"

"Huh ? Khap phi " kao Smiled

"Why are you standing there ? There's enough space to sit if you want " sun Smiled back

"Ahaha no phi that's alright I'm comfortable "

"Ooi nong yesterday you told me that you're an aspiring director right ?"

"Khap "

"Then wouldn't it be beneficial to see everything a bit more up close come on " sun replied Patting the seat beside him

"Eheh thank you phi" kao replied shyly before taking a seat

"Are we all set ?" Sun shouted  making everyone give him a thumbs up

"Alright ! Then let's start from the top in three two " he pointed towards both Sarah and pete to start with their lines

He put on his headphones and put his focus on the screens infront trying to look all around to make sure everything is alright

Once he felt satisfied with the shot he eased up a little

His eyes suddenly fell of the the boy sitting beside him .

All of Kao's attention was on just one screen which covered pete he seemed absorbed into the scene himself

He smiled a little when pete Smiled , he got tensed up when the man in the screen did

none of which went unnoticed by the new director

A small smirk running across the man's face

"And Cut !" Sun shouted

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