Chapter 15

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Rome (pov)

It's been a few days but why can't I stop thinking about it all ?

It's officially been a little over a week since me and kao started working at GMM

Come on rome get you head straight this is not right

"Rome !" Kao suddenly shouted making me jump out of my thoughts

"Hah ?" I Exclaimed

"Alright talk to me what's going on ?"

"What ? Nothing what would be going on ?" I stuttered laughing

"Yeah I totally believe you . Now start talking what's been bothering you ? " Kao said putting down his fork and now completely focusing on me

"Did phi pic~"

"Why would he do something he didn't to anything " I exclaimed

LIAR !  My mind shouted at me

"So he did do something , now what happened ? Rome is he bothering you you want me to go with you to talk to phi god~"

"No no no " I said cutting him off my eyes widened at what he was suggesting

"He didn't do anything kao.. it's actually me who's a mess" I sighed

"I'm here talk to me" kao replied and I again sighed

"It started on the second day of dance practice.. when he suddenly suggested that I don't put on my hoodie .. because I'll get a heat stoke ...


The entire routine feels so intimate the warmth of his hand radiating throughout my back

The way he's able fully hold onto me , the way he's looking into my eyes the entire time without a fail

All too intimate .

As much as I don't want to look into his eyes I can't help but look into them

Argh this is making my stomach churn

And the last step , him holding onto me I can see him gulp as he makes sure that he doesn't drop me .. I'm not heavy but in this position when majority of my body weight is on him I think it's a bit hard

But is so visible that he's doing everything to not drop me

"Alright that's great you guys ! I'm honestly so impressed by you pick" phi john exclaimed making us both visible flinch

Phi pick pulled me back up to my feet and regarded back to phi john

"Thank you phi" he said

"You know right today's the last day we're getting for dance practice we'll be back to acting sessions with the entire cast from tomorrow .. I'm just glad that Madeline is from a dancing background so that won't be an issue plus I sent her the video we took so she can practice whenever she has time .. ah ah you two can take a five then we'll go again " phi john said and we both nodded

I need this 5 minutes so desperately because this practice session is going to be difficult it seems

I went back to my bag sitting down going through my phone

When i felt something cold get pressed against my cheeks making me flinch

"What th~" I looked over only to see phi pick laughing a bit handing me a bottle of chilled water as he took a seat beside me

"Ahah sorry .. here it's quite hot today " phi said and i just nodded

"Thank you " I said opening the bottle

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