Chapter 30

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Pete (pov)

I was waiting for kao to arrive outside a small temple that's a bit further away from the main city

Ahh I'm so excited .. I've never been this excited for making merits on my birthday

I checked my watch before looking back forward rocking back and forth as I wait for him

"Ai kao !" I Exclaimed when I saw the pale boy

He looked towards me his eyes still looking sleepy .. he put a small smile on his face none the less and walked towards me

"Ai'Pete when I agreed last night to come in the morning I didn't think you meant dawn pete the birds aren't even awake " he cried and I chuckled

"Well this way I don't get bombarded with fans or paparazzi why else do you think no one knows about this ?" I replied and he hummed

"Where are we anyways ? "

"It's a small temple right outside the city .. my grandma used to bring me here for my birthday when I was a kid but then she passed away when I was 8 .. "

"I'm sorry to hear that " he said looking a bit upset himself and I just smiled

"Yeah it's life isn't it what can we do ?" I replied shrugging making him give a small nod

"Ah ah come let's go !" I said trying to bring back the happy energy dragging him inside

He smiled as he let me drag him in


Pick (pov)

"Uh phi " rome called out making me look towards him

"Yeah ?"

We were heading to the shooting sight

"Why do you have a schedule for tonight ?"

"Huh ? Should I not ?" I asked

"Isn't it phi Pete's birthday aren't you going to that party kao was telling me about ?" Rome asked as he brought a piece of cut fruit to my mouth

Why is he feeding me while asking questions ?

I chewed the fruit first before replying

" Oh no I'm not "

"Why ? Aren't you like his bestfriend ?" He asked and i Chuckled

"Yeah but I wasn't invited so I'm not going plus even if I was I wouldn't go "

"Huh ? Why weren't you invited ?"

"Because shorty I'm not famous "

"Eh ? If you're not famous then who is ? " He said and i laughed

"Well according to Pete's family I'm not it's more or less because my family isn't influenceial "

"Whaaa ? " He blinked making me Chuckle

"Yes shorty those people exist .. there's a reason why pete is really emotionally unstable during his birthday week "

"Huh what ?"

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