Chapter 9

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Kao (pov)

"I get you're angry but please don't take it out on the pasta or the plate " rome said making me throw my fork down

"Or the fork" he added

We were currently having our dinner

"I'm annoyed !" I replied and he sighed

"Jee I couldn't tell " he replied and I glared

"Sorry sorry , but see even phi pick rejected my leave and I actually agreed with him . Maybe phi pete had the same reasoning " rome said and i huffed

"Well I wouldn't be annoyed if he gave me a reason rather than his bullshit because I said so ! He agreed rome in the morning he had agreed then suddenly he's all cold and annoying and he did that thing !" I replied huffing

"What thing ?" Rome asked confused

"Ooi the  cliché thing ! " I replied

"What ?" Rome asked still very confused

I sighed

"Oho he basically made me run around and said no to everything until it wasn't perfect he made me go get him water 8 times and the last time I just brought him the same water and suddenly it was alright ! I swear to god rome he's just trying to annoy me and nothing more !" I replied annoyed

"Eeee that doesn't sound good .. maybe he had a bad day ?" Rome asked and i looked at him with one eyebrow raised

"I was attached to his butt since he woke up rome he didn't have a bad day , if this is how he want to play then be it " I shrugged

"He forgot that I make his breakfast " I smirked

"'re not planning on poisoning h~"

"Ooi Rome what are you on about ! What do you think of me ?" I asked truly shocked at his words

"I don't know you looked like you'll do it " rome shrugged going back to his pasta

This man just claimed that I might kill someone and went back to his pasta like it was nothing

"Okay.. just no.. you scare me sometime with how your brain works " I said and he chuckled

I laughed along before going back to my food

Just you wait brat !


Pete (pov)

Where is he ? Didn't he come around this time yesterday ?

After last night's lecture from pick about how I was an asshole to kao .. I mean I agree I might have overreacted a little bit.. but if he wanted to ask for a leave to go out with friends he should have said so why lie about it if he can be upfront about other things then why not this.

Argh where is he why is he late ? I'm here waiting for kao to ring the doorbell bell so I can quickly apologize and get this over with

Wait do I need to apologise ? I am the boss ~ oh yeah need to have him for atleast a month otherwise I'll have to say goodbye to mae Godji

I've been up for a little while now that's making me hungry.. wonder what he'll make today .. one thing I need to admit is the fact that he's hands have magic everything that he has fed me so far has been absolutely amazing it's hard to hold back my moans while I eat

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