baby park • [NamMin]

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"baby park"

namjoon x jimin

au : yes
content warning(s) : none


namjoon smiled as he heard the familiar sound of jimin's giggles coming from the smaller boy. jimin had woken up in baby space today and the older caregiver had laid him down on the fluffy rug in the living room along with some toys. namjoon was sat up on the couch so he could safely cut up some fruits, keeping the knife far away from the little.

a small thud was audible when jimin dropped his bottle on the floor. it was still quite full and namjoon realised jimin hadn't meant to drop it when he started whining. namjoon put the plate he was balancing on his lap to the side, placing the knife on top of it and moving to sit down next to jimin.

"is it heavy?" namjoon cooed at jimin's big smile when he heard namjoon's voice. "hi, yeah it's me." namjoon chuckled. jimin reached his hands out to grab at namjoon's face, but namjoon handed him the bottle instead.

jimin eagerly took the nipple back in his mouth, but the bottle tilted to the side and almost fell to the floor again. namjoon took a hold of it quickly, allowing jimin to sway his arms around wildly, grabbing onto anything that was close enough.

"where'd your strength go, hm? are you even smaller than usual, losing your grip a little?" namjoon spoke out loud, even if he knew the little wouldn't answer him. jimin's eyes just stared up, focused on namjoon's eyes as he drank the water silently.

namjoon's phone rang, startling him a little. the melody made jimin giggle and jerk his arms up, only to put them back down immediately. namjoon reached out to the vibrating phone on the couch, stretching out to be able to reach it.

namjoon smiled as he picked up the call, setting it on speaker mode and laying it down on the floor so he was able to hold jimin's hand, which the little had started to reach out to him. "hey, gguk!" he greeted the caller.

"good morning!" jeongguk said. "jiminie's in baby space?"

"you saw the video i sent to the groupchat?" namjoon asked. "he's being so cute right now. i have to hold his bottle because he lost the strength to do so himself, but he's holding my other hand so tighly."

jeongguk's laugh sounded through the speakers of the phone, which jimin recognized. the little stopped drinking for a second and smiled widely before going back to his water.

"he's recognizing your voice." namjoon said.

"really? that's so cute. hi, minnie!"

jimin kicked out his feet in response to hear his name, almost kicking namjoon in the stomach.

"yah! careful you little wild animal." namjoon laughed. jimin giggled loudly at namjoon's expression. "he just almost kicked me."

"gotta love it when they move around like that, unaware of their surroundings. be careful, hyung!" jeongguk chuckled. "i called to ask if you both wanted to come to the park with jin-hyung and i, we're going to have a picnic."

"oh sure! that sounds fun." namjoon agreed. "should i bring any food?"

"no, that's okay. we already got everything, but it's way too much for us both to be able to finish it. then we saw your video earlier and since jimin loves going outside so much, we thought we'd invite you to help us eat it all."

"alright," namjoon said. jimin was starting to push away the almost empty bottle, probably done with drinking plain water and wanting to eat something now. "can you text me when and where exactly? this lil' boy needs my attention."

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