hello kitty (pt.3) • [TaeGi]

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"hello kitty"
part 3 of 3

taehyung x yoongi

au : no
content warning(s) : accidentally being outed to the public


fans started screaming again when they saw their seven idols walking back on stage. it had been almost 15 minutes and the air in the room had been tense, no one really knew what was going on, everybody was worried.

they had all heard taehyung call yoongi daddy before flinging himself onto the rapper's lap. some people thought he was joking, maybe it was a dare or a punishment of some sort, just a joke. others thought it was something sexual and a few fans thought about little space.

the fans had seen yoongi and jimin talk behind taehyung's back as well and they were almost certain that the worried look on their faces had something to do with the situation.

taehyung was still clinging onto yoongi's hand as they stepped out in front of the crowd. it felt weird, they held hands often, but only at home and never in front of strangers. it was nice.

namjoon was the first to get to his seat at the long table on stage, so he grabbed his microphone and greeted the fans.

"thank you for waiting! we're back, everything is okay."

taehyung looked out into the crowd and saw most people smiling. maybe yoongi was right, it really would be okay. he reminded himself that they still officialy needed to announce their relationship and explain little space, making the smile fall off his face.

yoongi noticed and squeezed his hand as a way of reassuring him. they had all sat down now and yoongi had moved his chair closer to taehyung's because he was not planning on leaving his side for the next week, at least.

"hi, everyone." taehyung said awkwardly. he wanted to say something to reassure the fans before yoongi started explaining. "i- er, i hope we didn't worry you too much. everything is okay now."

"yeah," yoongi nodded. he squeezed taehyung's hand again and the singer smiled at his boyfriend.

"so, i'll try my best to explain the situation. let's start with the fact that taehyung and i are in a relationship, we have been for over 6 months."

yoongi paused as the fans started making noise again. all seven men on stage laughed when they saw how excited everyone seemed.

"we hope you can all accept us and still love us as much as we love you. now about what happened before, it's a little more complicated. there's this thing called little space. this is a headspace where you regress to a younger age. it's different for everybody, but in taehyung's case, he regresses to relieve stress.

"you can imagine that events like these can be stressful for us, even if we love it so much to meet all of you. the past weeks have also been very busy and stressful. taehyung got triggered and the situation made it harder for him to stop the regressing, so he was little."

taehyung nodded and grabbed his own microphone back up, wanting to try to explain himself as well. "i wish it didn't happen, i tried really hard to stop it from happening, but it couldn't be helped. we can't blame anyone for this, it was just the situation."

"i am taehyung's caregiver, which is why he called me daddy earlier. all the members know about his little space, but i'm the main caregiver." yoongi added. "do you want to add anything else, tae?"

"no, i think you explained it pretty well." the singer answered.

"i do want to add something," seokjin said. "little taetae is really, really cute."

taehyung laughed, hiding his face with the one hand that wasn't holding yoongi's.

"i agree!" jeongguk added.

"me too," yoongi smiled. "you're very cute, honey." he pulled taehyung's hand away from his face and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "no need to be ashamed, i think everyone here agrees that you're cute."

"you need to shut up, yoongi." taehyung groaned, but he kind of liked the compliments.

"alright, should we answer some questions?" namjoon offered.

the seven musicians looked out into the crowd and a few people stood up, they had already thought of a question. namjoon nodded at a fan at the front of the crowd.

"hi, i'm also a little." the girl said shyly. "i'm wondering, when did you find out about little space, taetae?"

taehyung picked up his microphone and smiled at the fan. "i don't remember exactly when i first learned about it, but it's been almost 3 years since i first regressed."

"did it scare you, too?"

"it was a bit scary, because i didn't have anybody to look after me. i did already know about little space, though, i had done quite a bit of research at that point, so i think that made it less scary than it could've been. were you scared?"

the fan nodded shyly. "yes, but it's gotten better over time. it's mainly fun now."

"thank you for your question." namjoon smiled at the girl. he scanned the crowd and nodded at the next fan.

"you said you had nobody to look after you when you first regressed, how did yoongi become your caregiver?"

"it's kind of a long story, but i told jimin first, about a year ago. he then helped me tell the others and from the beginning i felt most comfortable around yoongi when i was little." taehyung explained, looking at his boyfriend. "i sat him down to tell him that after a few months and he told me he also really liked looking after me, so that's when he officially became my main caregiver."

the questions went on for a little longer and while jimin was answering a question directed at him, taehyung started playing with yoongi's fingers. he was tired and kind of wanted to crawl into yoongi's lap and take a nap, but he couldn't do that. not yet, at least. the singer knew that he would do exactly that after the fansign was over.


after most questions were answered, the fansign continued where they had left off before taehyung slipped. the fans who hadn't gotten the chance to get their things signed, were allowed to walk by the table now.

when all fans were back at their seats with all of their things signed and gifts given to the seven men on stage, the musicians said their thanks and goodbyes. taehyung was still holding onto yoongi's hand when they stood up and walked backstage.

once they were out of the view of the crowd, yoongi tightly wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. "you did so well, baby. i'm so proud of you."

"thank you," taehyung wrapped his arns around yoongi's waist just as tight. "thank you for helping me explain."

"always," the older smiled, letting go of taehyung. "let's go home, hm? i'm sure my baby would like to take a bath."

"yes," taehyung nodded, looking forward to be able to regress and relax in yoongi's arms that night.


i hope you liked this little series! please let me know what you think ^-^
- em

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