allergies • [YoonMin]

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yoongi x jimin

au : doesn't matter
content warning(s) : none


achoo! achoo!

jimin looked up from his work when he heard yoongi's little sneezes coming from the little's bedroom. he smiled when he heard yoongi's padded footsteps coming towards the office where the caregiver currently sat.

the door was pushed open carefully by the blonde little, who poked his head into the room with a pout on his lips.

"dada," he whined. "eyes hurt- achoo!"

"ah, yoonie." jimin chuckled. "come here,"

yoongi shuffled into the room, closing the door behind himself before going over to jimin and sitting down on his lap. before either one of them could say something, yoongi sneezed again.

"ouchie," the pout on the little's lips only grew bigger.

"what hurts, hm?" jimin asked.

"head an' eyes an' throat, dada, ouchie!"

"let's do something about that, yeah?" yoongi nodded carefully. "did you have your window open in the bedroom?"

the younger male stood up and carried yoongi over to their kitchen, setting the blonde down on the counter next to the sink. yoongi nodded again, confirming jimin's suspisions on what was causing the little's sneezing and eye pain.

"i think it's your allergies, yoonie. it's spring, remember what happens in spring?" jimin asked while opening the cabinet that held their medicine and searching for the anti-allergy pills.

"f'owers b'oom!" yoongi said enthusiastically, clapping his hands happily once jimin confirmed he was right.

"the flowers bloom, yes, and the trees grow and the grass grows. do you remember what ha-"


"bless you," jimin smiled. "what happens when the plants grow and bloom?"

"they throw thingies in the air!"

"that's right, good job!" the caregiver praised. "and those thingies itch your nose and hurt your eyes, hm? and when you sneeze so often it hurts your throat and head."

"yes," yoongi nodded, carefully following jimin's hands when his caregiver took a pill out of the packaging. the little didn't really like pills, they were icky and sometimes hurt to swallow. "no, no!" he protested when jimin laid the medicine down on the counter next to yoongi.

"i know you don't like the pills, sweetie, but it will take the pain away, so i want you to take one." jimin said, not affected by yoongi's begging puppy eyes. (well... they affected him, for sure, but he wanted the best for his cutie and wanted the pain to go away, so they didn't make him change his mind.)

jimin handed yoongi a glass of cold water, asking him to take a few sips before helping him swallow down the medicine.

yoongi scrunched up his nose and shook his head a little, but jimin smiled widely once the pill was gone.

"good job, yoonie, thank you for trying."


"dada," yoongi mumbled, getting tired from all the sneezing. "don' like it, dada."

"i know, i know, but the pill will work soon, yeah?" the caregiver lifted yoongi onto his hip again and started walking to their bedroom. "let's close the window and turn on the air purifier and then you can sit with dada while he works. sound good?"

"hmh," yoongi hums into jimin's neck. "take nap an' cuddle dada while dada work."

jimin smiled and nodded. he ran his hand through yoongi's blonde locks to try to calm him. not too long after he sat back down in his office chair with yoongi straddling him, he could hear the little's soft, cute snores.


i wrote this while i was in between big and little headspace, which is why it's so short and mainly dialogue ^^ i thought it was still cute so i hope you enjoyed reading it!

do you also get allergies? i have had really bad allergies to the point where sometimes my eyes don't stop watering and i can't stop sneezing and i had to stay inside for a few days )):

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