witch • [TaeJoon]

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taehyung x namjoon

au : yes
content warning(s) : none


the pacifier in taehyung's mouth bopped up and down consistently, the little laying on his back and playing with a witch doll above his head. he giggled as the woman with the pointed hat almost fell off of her broom and he catched her just in time.

"oopsie!" he whispered to himself, before continuing to fly the doll around.

from the couch, namjoon watched taehyung play. the caregiver knew it would only be a matter of time until he would get bored of this game and needed help to find something else to do, but for now, namjoon enjoyed watching the entertained boy.

namjoon had turned on taehyung's favorite playlist, which was playing softly from the speaker standing on a bookshelf. the room had been filled with children's songs for the past hour or so, but namjoon couldn't complain as he listened to the younger hum along to the melodies happily.

over the soft noises coming from taehyung's mouth and the music playing, namjoon heard the front door open. the only person who had a key to namjoon and taehyung's small apartment was jimin, so it was no surprise to namjoon when their best friend stepped into the living room.

jimin smiled when he saw taehyung lying on the ground. he greeted namjoon, which caught the little's attention.

"jiminie!" he called, sitting up quickly and waving. a big smile was plastered in his face.

"hi, taehyungie." jimin said. he crouched down to pinch taehyung's cheeks, but taehyung managed to dodge the attack. the youngest of the three jumped up and sprinted away to hide behind the curtains, while laughing loudly.

"oh no! where'd taehyungie go?" jimin played along. he picked up the doll taehyung had dropped in his hurry to hide. "ms. witch, would you happen to know where our taehyungie went?"

namjoon watched taehyung peek his head out from behind the curtain, giggling with a hand covering his mouth. jimin looked like he was listening intently to the toy, until he looked up and glanced around the room.

"the curtains, you say? he likes the curtains?" jimin asked. an audible gasp came from said curtains, making namjoon smile widely.

as jimin stood up and started walking toward the curtains, taehyung came out from behind them and ran over to namjoon, jumping into his lap.

"ah!" he screamed. "save me!"

namjoon flinched, taehyung's mouth very close to his ear as the little hid his face in the older male's neck. however, he couldn't help but smile when hearing taehyung's giggles and feeling the pacifier in the little's mouth press into his shoulder.

jimin laughed, sitting down next to his two best friends while reassuring the little he won't pinch his cheeks. taehyung lifted his head up, smile still wide as he reached out to pat jimin's hair.

jimin and namjoon chuckled. both of them were used to taehyung doing random little things like this, so they just let him do what he wanted.

"you know," jimin spoke up. "a long time ago, i met a witch."

taehyung's eyes widened as a shocked expression took over his face. "really?"

"hm," jimin nodded. "she was really nice. she lived in a forest really far from here."

taehyung looked like he was having trouble processing this information, staring at nothing in particular just behind jimin's head. jimin looked at namjoon, who was smiling while looking at the youngest in the room and running his hands trough taehyung's curly long hair.

"can she fly like my doll?" taehyung suddenly wondered, jumping up from namjoon's lap in excitement. he ran to grab the doll from the floor and showed jimin how she could fly.

"no, she couldn't." jimin shook his head. "but she could make really cool potions that changed her hair color."

"wow~" taehyung dragged out the word. he slowly stopped playing and moved back to the couch, not taking his eyes away from jimin, as if he would miss a part of the story if he looked the other way. namjoon pulled taehyung into his lap, tightly wrapping his arms around the younger male who snuggled into him.

"she was also friends with a lot of the animals that lived in the forest." jimin continued, loving how intrigued taehyung looked by his story. "sometimes they had a little party and all came together."

"wow," taehyung whispered again. "what did they do?"

"they loved to make food together and they would eat it at night, with the light from the moon and the stars."

"that's so cool!" taehyung said. "i wanna meet her too, jiminie! namjoonie, i wanna meet the witch!"

"i do too, taehyungie." namjoon smiled, running his hands over taehyung's arm.

"maybe one day, you can." jimin said.

"wow," taehyung sighed again, slumping against namjoon. both older males could tell he was about to disappear into his own, imaginary world for a little while. "a real witch... so cool..."

namjoon chuckled and pressed a kiss to taehyung's forehead, but the little barely noticed. he was too invested in thinking about what he would ask the witch when he could meet her.

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