little fluff : BTS

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i'm sure you are very excited to read these fluffs (i'm also very excited about writing them) BUT i've got some things i wanna let you know first :) thanks for reading!!


bts are human beings, it's important to treat them as such. my writing is just a way for me to be creative, i don't mean to hurt anyone or imply that this is (similar to) real life. this is merely fiction.

the characters are (partially) inspired by bts, but are not meant to represent them.


all of these ideas are mine. any similarities with real life/other stories are coincidental. when i am inspired by something/someone else's work, i will ask them for permission and give credit. please do not steal my work either, i work hard on this.


content warnings are really important to me, so i will put any warnings at the beginning of every chapter. if there are none or i haven't mentioned something that does trigger you, please please please let me know! i want to put warnings where they are needed so i don't hurt anyone. even if you feel like you might be the only one who is bothered by a certain subject, there is a chance that you are not, so please help me :) you can comment, but you can also always send me a private message if that feels more comfortable!

please always pay attention to the warnings. most of these one shots are straight up fluff, fluff and more fluff, so there won't be a lot, but take care of yourself and skip a chapter if you think it may trigger negative feelings for you.

also: if you did read something that was triggering for you and you don't have anyone else to talk to (at that moment), don't hesitate to message me! i'm very nice (i promise) and i would gladly listen if you need to talk and/or distract you :) i will answer as fast as i can.


these will all be bxb and ships within bts. if you are not comfortable with this, please do not leave any hate and click away now.


i am not an expert on littlespace. this is based on my own experience (i am a little) and any knowledge i got from the internet. i don't mean to offend anyone. if you think that something i wrote is rude/offending, please tell me (nicely), so we can talk about it :)


a few other things:
- there will be NO smut in this. this is age regression, not ddlb (age play).
- i don't take requests. this might change in the future, though, so i will let you know when it does!
- there won't be any x reader one shots.
- lowercase intented.
- if you find a typo, please let me know (nicely) so i can correct it.
- at the beginning of the chapter i will state if it takes place in an alternate universe (au) or not, to clarify whether bts exists or not.


sorry this was so long, but i think that's about it! enjoy reading! don't be afraid to leave comments and votes :)

love, EM

little space : BTS (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now