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That was two years ago

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That was two years ago...

Looking back, [Name] knew that there's many things have changed on him.

To his appearance and attitude.

He built a wall to defend himself from being hurt once again, masking his own face with nothing else but a blank face.

"Did you pack everything you needed?"

"Yes, I double-checked my belongings."

"Are you sure you'll be okay there?"

"할머니 (Halmoni)...I'll be okay there."

Some observers looked towards the direction of the ruckus, which was coming from within the airport. They watched as the elderly woman panicked, with two teenagers around her and attempting to calm her down.

"Are you sure? I can't let my grandson go back to Japan and hurt himself again!" she shouted, tears welling up in her eyes. Her irises rose from the towering [color]-nette who nodded, his face expressionless, albeit his eyes softened from his grandmother's concern for him.

"할머니 (Halmoni), you heard him. Don't worry too much, he said he's gonna be alright there." The other teen assured, comfortingly patting their grandmother's shoulder. "Yeah...besides, your friend's grandchild was also there...so don't worry too much about [Name]," he said, eliciting a hesitant nod from his grandmother.

The elderly lady couldn't help but sigh, giving up before holding her grandchild once again. "Okay, fine...but you should be careful, okay?" she sadly warned the kid, getting a quick nod and a faint smile.

"I got it. Yoongi-hyung take care of grandma for me okay?"

Yoongi nodded to his younger brother, who was already clutching both of his suitcases with both hands. He then approached his brother and embraced him. "And you too [Name]-ah, take care also." He says, before breaking the hug.

[Name] smiled at them again, and although it was faint and almost imperceptible, his brother and grandmother could tell he was happy. He then returned his gaze, seeing them waving at him with sad eyes.

"Be sure to text when you finally arrive!" his brother said, and [Name] waved back. "I'll keep that in mind!" he yelled back, his voice hoarse from not talking much lately.

"Goodbye [Name]!"

[Name] boarded the plane, leaving behind his only family in Korea.

He couldn't help but feel anxious.

He's returning to their hometown, bringing with him plenty of painful memories. But there's no turning back now; he return to show that he had changed, abandoning the old [Name], who was agile and fragile in everyone's eyes.

The exhaustion overtook him, as he closed his eyes and succumbed to darkness.

The exhaustion overtook him, as he closed his eyes and succumbed to darkness

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𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊; 𝐭. 𝐤𝐞𝐢Where stories live. Discover now