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The sound of flipping pages and the warm breeze from outside the window was filled the quiet room as two young teens were focusing on their world

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The sound of flipping pages and the warm breeze from outside the window was filled the quiet room as two young teens were focusing on their world.

"Kiyoko-san, do you think it's weird that [Name]-kun isn't visiting here anymore?"

Shimizu Kiyoko peeked at the [color]-rette across from the 炬燵 (kotatsu) through her book that was covering her entire face. Her blue irises quietly observed [Name] who stare off the distance as if his mind drifted off somewhere far as a frown embedded on his face.

Kiyoko knew something is wrong with him.

She knew something is up, especially when she saw [Name] and Tsukishima acts like they didn't know each other, one of them are either frowning or having that guilty look.


"Suga-san is right. E-even weirder when Tsukishima has t-this look on his face!"

Asahi loudly whispered, slightly trembling in fear and confusion. "What?" Kiyoko asked, her hand grasping the clipboard close to her chest. "Look!" Asahi added, pointing in the direction where Tsukishima was before his hand was slapped by Sugarawa who throw him a look.


"Don't make it obvious!"

"But you don't have to slap my hand so hard!"

"Oh come on, I didn't even hit that hard!"

Ignoring the two who were bickering, Kiyoko looked at where Asahi pointed, immediately seeing the tall first year who sat on the bench and looked glum with Yamaguchi with him panicking and wearing a worried face.

"Tsukishima isn't acting himself these days and [Name] isn't visiting us as usual...what the hell is happening! ARGGGHH!"

Sugarawa whispered, to avoid Tsukishima hearing him before he groaned and ruffled his hair in frustration while some of their team glanced at them. "Do y'all remember that [Name] was a member of the music club right? He might be busy that he couldn't visit us." Daichi stepped in before his shirt was grabbed by Sugarawa who had a dark look on his face.

"Then explain why Tsukishima is acting like that? I even caught him looking at [Name] with a sad face...haah?" Sugarawa whispered darkly to the captain, a scowl plastered on his face. "S-sorry..." Daichi broke a sweat and held his hands in surrender. "Calm down suga-san, everyone is looking at us!" Asahi shrieked, holding Sugarawa back.

"We could ask Yamaguchi about it?" (whisper)

"What⏤no! We'll just leave him be, he might help Tsukishima!" (whisper)

Kiyoko stayed silent as she also remembered that she was with [Name] and they happened to walk past Tsukishima and caught [Name] frowning at him before acting as if he didn't even know Tsukishima who throws him a sad look.

"Y'all...the music club aren't busy this month. I saw them just all hang out inside their club room."

All the third years simultaneously whipped their head at Ennoshita who remained unfazed. "Well, in that case...there's something's up with them. Do you think they fought?" Sugarawa says, mortified while unconsciously tightening his grip on Daichi's shirt.

"D-do you think we're putting our n-nose a little too much on their b-business...?" Daichi breathe out, patting the hand on his shirt which Sugarawa loosed his grip slightly. "Dead⏤I mean Daichi's right, but we're just worried it's been days since this happened." Ennoshita faked coughed as Kiyoko sighed.

"I'll try to ask [Name] about it..." Kiyoko started gaining their attention. "I'm not sure what's going on between them and I don't want to interfere too much, but I could give [Name] advice if he needed one," Kiyoko answered truthfully, which the three third-years wept dramatically which she and Ennoshita sweatdropped.

"Kiyoko-san is so kind!"

"An angel sent from above!"

"I just heard Kiyoko's name! She's a goddess! A GODDESS!"

"Oi⏤what are you all huddling up there in the corner?!"


"You seem troubled about something [Name]-ah."

Kiyoko's voice broke the silence for the first time and successfully took [Name]'s attention. She then set down the book she was previously reading on the 炬燵 (kotatsu) and eyed the teen in front of her looking so stiff as a board.

"Are you okay? Mind sharing your thoughts with me?"

Kiyoko added, giving [Name] a warm feeling deep down in his heart. [Name] let out a frustrated sigh, clearly having big trouble after what just happened, as he then rested his head on the table and open his mouth to speak with his voice being muffled by the flat surface.

"누나 (Noona)...please help me...everything is messed up. I messed up."


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