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Min [Name], a teen who had parents that showered love on their children and a older sibling who's always there to comfort him, despite their image as cold base on what the others said

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Min [Name], a teen who had parents that showered love on their children and a older sibling who's always there to comfort him, despite their image as cold base on what the others said. The best present they've ever received was the moment [Name] was born.

Their family is...interesting to say the least.

Scolding was common, on them and [Name] frequently received it from his mother. Despite their disagreements, his mother is always the one that speaks up first and babied him, which is a cute sight to witness.

"[Nickname] baby?"


"Come on now, I made your [favorite food]. Let's go to the dining room."

(This is true, this is how exactly my mom would do then babied me for the rest of the day. Mom calls me baby, even tho I'm already a teenager but still I love it when she calls me that. Gahh! I miss her.)

That's how their bond goes, but when it comes to his dad, you could say everything was in a state of chaos.

"Pizza? Chicken? 떡볶이 (Tteokbokki)? Cake?"

"How about all?"

"Didn't we just eat, like that...yesterday?"

Then there was [Name], who fell in love with a boy of his own gender. He hesitanly told his parents and brother of his dilemma. He's also afraid that they'll be disgusted, or that they'll stop seeing him as a part of the family at some time.

"You're gay?"

The boy stiffly nodded, waiting for their reactions. His brother interrupted the tension that had developed.

"I knew it. 아빠 (Appa), give me the money."

"W-What?! My money..."

[Name] stared at his brother, who was smugly waving his hands, and wondered where he got those black glasses. His father was sobbing as he fished his money out from his pocket and handed it to Yoongi shakily.

"Y-you're not mad? D-disgusted?"

He watched as his mother's eyes widened before hugging him. "Why would we do something like that?! We love you for exactly who you are! You can tell me if someone is going to bully you! I'm going to break their bones and⏤"

He grew pale just by listening to his eom-ma rant about beating someone or more like planning to kill someone.

"H-hun, your thoughts are just evil⏤"

Then his brother approaches him and pats him on the head while counting the money he won from the bet.

"Just be yourself, we're here to support you."

"Did you eat something poisonous today? You're acting kinda sus."

That's how they got into a fight while their mother was about to murder their dad.

Everything was fine at that time. Yoongi, his hyung, stayed in Korea with their halmeoni to pursue their dream of being a music performer, whereas [Name] and their parents went to Japan for work.

Even though the brothers are separated by a great distance, their 'You're bothersome, but I love you' relationship still remains.


Life isn't just sunshine and rainbows.

When he received news that turned his life upside down, Name] was distraught. His parents were on their way home when they were involved in car accident due to the severe weather and slippery road.

 His parents were on their way home when they were involved in car accident due to the severe weather and slippery road

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