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[Name] sighed in relief, when class was finally over

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[Name] sighed in relief, when class was finally over.

As soon as the teacher left the classroom, he grabbed his bag and dashed out, no longer feeling someone's piercing gaze that had before been staring at him.

His steps came to a halt when he realized he was no longer in sight of his classroom, and he decided to use this as an opportunity to wander around the school grounds, drawing a mental map which was easy for him.

He then walked around the corner and saw someone with oddly familiar dark-blue hair and decided to follow that individual to the gym.

"누나 (Noona)?"

Kiyoko was about to enter the gym when she heard someone call her name. She knew the voice right away. Kiyoko's eyes widened slightly as she turned around and noticed a teen with familiar [color] hair behind her.

"[Name]!" Kiyoko exclaimed happily, catching the team off guard and drawing their attention onto her. The third year then threw herself on the [color]-rette, who caught her and hugged her, and to their amazement, she returned the gesture.

The third-year then broke the hug and looked at [Name], who maintained his blank expression despite the fact that she could see how his eyes shine. Of course, the moment was destroyed when the two-second year's simps appeared out of nowhere.

"Hey, don't touch our Kiyoko-san!" They yelled in unison and pulled their signature 'thug face' at the new newcomer who didn't even give a damn at them. An irk mark appeared on Kiyoko, annoyed at the two.

"Stop that. Go back to practice."

She firmly ordered, striking their heads with her clipboard, to which Tanaka and Nishinoya both complied, stunned that their manager was upset. "Who's that two 누나 (Noona)?" she heard [Name] question, and her face softened as she tugged the teen onto a nearby bench.

"Don't mind them, they're on the volleyball team," she said, smiling fondly at the [color]-rette teen as she and [Name] both ignored the anguished cries and puzzled stares of the others in the background.

Two pairs of eyes were observing them while they were busy catching up on something they had left on. Their heads were full with unresolved questions, they were perplexed, and they couldn't get over how the [color]-rette had changed, especially Tsukishima.

Is he the [Name] they know during middle school?

Where's the sweet and cheerful [Name]?

After their interaction earlier at the canteen, he couldn't speak like the way he usually was. Like the words he wanted to spill out are stuck on his throat, he felt guilty and shame just by remembering what he had just done.

He changed.


"[Nickname], have you joined a club yet?" Kiyoko ponders, her gaze fixed on the team now exercising and occasionally casting a glimpse in their direction. "Is it really necessary to join a club?" [Name] wondered which she nodded at him. "It is mandatory for students in here." She explains.

"I'll go to the music club tomorrow," [Name] said, hearing Kiyoko hum. "Well, what can I say? You love music, after all," Kiyoko commented, recalling how [Name] looked up at his brother. "I'll come here when I'm free, maybe help you out with the manager thing," [Name] muttered at her, while his eyes roaming the room.

"I didn't expect you to come back to Japan and how did even Yoongi-ah and halmeoni agree?"

Kiyoko mused, and beside her stood [Name], carrying a rack of empty water bottles. They both left the gym to refill their water bottles. "형 (Hyung) was okay with it, while I have a hard time dealing with 할머니 (Halmoni)." [Name] shrugged, getting a nod from the third year as they both arrived at the water station.

After filling all of the water bottles, [Name] insisted on taking care of it once more, and the two returned to the gym. Ukai would occasionally join in with them and ask the[color]-rette kid about his thoughts on the team, to which [Name] responded accurately, surprising both the coach and the management.

 Ukai would occasionally join in with them and ask the[color]-rette kid about his thoughts on the team, to which [Name] responded accurately, surprising both the coach and the management

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