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"What's going on with you and [Name], tsukki?"

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"What's going on with you and [Name], tsukki?"

Yamaguchi asked, pulling Tsukishima out of his trance and removed his gaze away from his book and look at Yamaguchi. "Huh?" Tsukishima hummed absently. Both of them were on Tsukishima's room, finishing their homework and Yamaguchi decided that it would be the best to ask what's really is happening between his bestfriends.

Yamaguchi can't stand it seeing them avoiding each other.


"Noona...please help me...everything is messed up. I messed up."

[Name]'s voice were muffled as he recounted the past events. Kiyoko could sense the obvious frustration and confusion on his voice, indicating that he's really troubled after shouting at Tsukishima like that and avoiding the said guy quite awhile.

He felt horrible about what he did.

He choose to do all of that instead of talking it rationally.

"Sit up and talk properly, [Name]-kun or else how am I supposed to help you?"Kiyoko's voice rang through his ears as he felt his head being softly hit by a hand. [Name] sat up and then face Kiyoko who flashed a soft smile at him.

"It's not so bad isn't it? Now tell me, so that i can help you." She says which [Name] then began telling her what happened. "Hmm..." The third year hummed as she listened intently to [Name], nodding once in a while.

"Tell me, [Name]-kun, how do you feel now that you know Juhee is cheating on you?"

[Name] froze.

Right...how does he feel after all of that?


He felt angry after knowing the truth, that both Tsukishima and Juhee kept it in secret and even made a deal on who's gonna tell him first. It's as if they are just forging a deal with something that isn't even important nor even cared if someone get hurt.

He just wanted to know what is happening and not him looking like a moron, unaware of the things had been going through his back. He didn't felt hurt or anything about Juhee cheating behind his back, other than getting angry that Juhee didn't told him sooner that she found someone else.

[Name] knew and so was Juhee, that they both fall apart from their relationship. Both of them heading in a separate direction where they seek and found someone that lightened up their hearts again, found a profound joy and felt comfortable whenever they are with them.

Although they kept their mouth shut, one is afraid to hurt other and the other one is waiting for them to say they wanted to let go of the string. And it leads their situation messing up even more.

"Do you still love her or do you love the past her?"

Kiyoko's question rang through his ears. Of course [Name] had loved her, Juhee is a charming girl and can lighten up someone's mood and will be there with you in your side. But that's all in the past. He answered to the third year with an honest reply and found her nodding.

"Then what is Tsukishima to you?" [Name] found himself smiling at the question and Kiyoko's heart softened, seeing her little brother smiles like that again. [Name] felt like everything he felt for Tsukishima returned once they became close; at first, he assumed it wouldn't, but he was mistaken. He was so wrong, after all the times he and Tsukishima get along and his heart thumped in a familiar way.

However, it also brings back memories of being rejected. What if he's rejected...again? [Name] mentally frowned at the thought while Kiyoko sighed, catching his attention.

"Instead of me helping you throughout with this. It'd be better if you think and decide things over for yourself. Either if you give Tsukishima a proper apology and talk with Juhee or ignore them forever and not fixing the mess that had been made already."

Kiyoko's words reverberated in his ears, and he thanked her, prompting her to smile. The brief moment was cut short by the abrupt sound of [Name]'s phone ringing, causing him to up and walk away from the living room to answer the call.

Not long after, [Name] came back and Kiyoko immediately noticed the sudden shift of his behavior.

"Who is it [Name]-kun?"

"I-it's J-juhee...She's asking me to meet up with her."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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