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"Is everyone here?"

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"Is everyone here?"

Daichi asked as he watched the others hugging their bags and dozing off. The third-year manager then glanced around and realized that one person individual still didn't arrived yet.

"[Name] isn't here yet."

Tsukishima heard Kiyoko said, which he and the rest noticed. Just the other day, he was sick and his mother told him that his friend, named [Name], took care of him while he was sick.


"It's seems like you feel better now, kei-chan."

He nodded in response to his mother's words and sat down as his mother handed him his full plate of food. "Thank you for taking care of me okaa-san, I'm feeling a lot better now," he says, puzzled, when his mother laugh softly.

"Oh no, it's not me," She says, waving her hand. "It's that handsome teen named [Name], he's good at taking care of someone!" She exclaimed gleefully and was startled when she heard her son choke up the food, and she quickly offered him a drink of water.


"Yeah! You should thank him okay? He stayed up all night to make sure you were safe!"


Tsukishima remembered what happened and how he cried in [Name] and how [Name] kiss him on the forehead. A heat crawled up to his neck and onto his ears and cheeks which he pushed up his glasses further on his nose bridge.

'It's embarrassing...'

"Oh, it's pretty boy!" Tanaka's loud voice jolted him out of his thoughts, and when he turned where Tanaka was pointing, he saw the [color]-rette running towards them, their phone on their ear, as if chatting to someone.

'Who's he talking to?' Tsukishima couldn't figure out why he was irritated just by glancing at the teen who seemed to be having a good time talking to whoever the caller was. Yamaguchi looked at his friend, who was frowning, and tsked.

The volleyball team and [Name] got on the bus shortly after. While Yamaguchi was with Sugarawa and kept staring towards the two, [Name] and Tsukishima were sitting next to each other.

Most of them were asleep or on their phones during the ride, while the others were conversing -basically shouting- as the [color]-rette spotted the blond next him dozing off with his head swaying from side to side.

[Name] then sighed softly, before placing Tsukishima's head on his shoulder. "Glad to know that you're okay, tsu-chan." He sighed and felt the latter slightly nuzzled further in his neck, feeling Tsukishima's locks slightly tickled him.

"Thank you."

[Name] hummed, when he heard Tsukishima' words. After Kiyoko spoke with Ukai and Takeda-sensei and received consent from the music club, he was allowed to accompany them to the training camp in Tokyo. He also met Yachi who's a temporary manager.

A certain dark-green-haired teen, from ahead of couple of seats widened his eyes when he saw his two friends.

"It seemed like they get along for now." Yamaguchi smiled to himself, which drew the attention of the mother crow who stood next him. "What do you mean 'for now' Yamaguchi?" Sugarawa inquired, casting a glance in the direction of Yamaguchi's gaze, which elicited a gasp from the latter.

"Ah...[Nickname] and Tsukki, as well as myself, have known each other since junior high, and their relationship wasn't nice..." Sugarawa looked at the cinnamon roll, who grimaced a little, and continued to explain what had happened, while the ash-grey-haired teenager listened intently.

"That's why I want to help them," Yamaguchi said, puffing his cheeks and curling his fist before raising it, which Sugarawa thought was a cute gesture. "I'm sure [Name] and Tsukishima will mend their relationship." He told Yamaguchi, who nodded cheerfully.

" He told Yamaguchi, who nodded cheerfully

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𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊; 𝐭. 𝐤𝐞𝐢Where stories live. Discover now