Chapter Three: Meet My Boss, Joel

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'D-Darren what are you doing here?' I used both hands to push myself off of Riley.  

'What am I doing here? What are you doing here like that with him?!' He glared at Riley. 

'H-he's my roommate, w-we were just drinking-' 

'Oh what a surprise! Drinking! Like always!' He threw his hands up in exasperation. 

'You don't even know do you?! Just get out Darren! Now!'  

'No. I'm not going anywhere until I get my explanation!' Riley stepped forward placing a hand on Darren's chest. 'Woah dude, the lady asked you to leave' Darren threw Riley's hand from his chest, glaring at him.  

'Don't touch me!' Riley stood up straight showing no fear as he squared up to Darren.

I only realized they were shouting when Lorelei appeared. 'Whats going on?' She looked between the boys then at me. 'I said what in God's name is going on?' Again they said nothing. 'Right so I'm just going to stand here ignoring myself. No I'm not! WHAT IS GOING ON?!'  

'This is Darren. He's a friend. He walked in on myself and Riley in an awkward situation, which 100% wasn't what it looked like' I motioned to the testosterone fueled males in front of me. 'And this occured'  

'Right well let's take it down a notch, guys. You' She pointed at Riley. 'Clean this up' Riley looked at her then glared at Darren before going to clean up the mess we'd made from a broken glass. 'And you. Go home its twenty to one in the morning, so go home, come back here tomorrow, in a polite, dignified manner' Darren looked at me in protest. I averted my eyes. He huffed and stormed out. 'And you.' She looked at me. 'Make a coffee. Drink it whilst its still hot, no milk or sugar. Then go to bed and get some sleep. With that I am going back to bed'. She turned and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

'Shes always been like that' I raised an eyebrow. 'Me and Lore go way back. We grew up on the same neighborhood, then we went to the same elementary, the same middle school and then here. Our parents were close, we were a thing from the eighth grade to the tenth. But we-' He sighed. 'We parted ways when Amanda Wincott got interested' He dumped Lorelei for Amanda?! I didn't want to talk anymore.  

'I'm going to sleep, sorry to be rude, been a long day' He nodded and I rolled over to sleep.

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! I groaned and rolled over to slap the alarm clock. 'Shut up' I moaned. I heard chuckling from the kitchen.  

'Here. Drink this, it'll wake you up' Riley passed me a cup of coffee. I took the cup and went to down the liquid, burning my tongue. 'I see how my day is going to pan out' I muttered bitterly. I got up grabbing my toiletries and headed into the shower. I let the hot water steam my stressed muscles and relax them.

I threw on a last second outfit, consisting of a short black skirt, white blouse with red crosses and a black cardigan. Next I applied some mascara, eyeliner and lipgloss for added effect. I debated about the eyeshadow but decided against it. Walking out of the bathroom I again came across a half naked Riley, can that boy ever keep his clothes on. I rolled my eyes and went over to grab my handbag, carefully avoiding the picturesque scene of Riley's six pack. Opening the bag I saw it had my cigarettes, lighter, pens, mobile and purse. Everything I need for school.

I hooked my bag over my shoulder, grabbed the key Riley had spare and went to leave. 'Second lesson doesn't start for three hours' He said. 

'Yes but the mall starts in fifteen minutes' I sarcastically replied. He ahhh'd. 'See ya' He muttered a see ya, obviously distracted by something on his phone. Walking down the hall I bumped into someone yet again! I'm so unnaturally blonde. 'Oh I'm so sorry I-'  

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