Chapter Sixteen: When Scared, Try Muffins.

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A/N: Hey guys! How are you?? So I said I'd update 3 days ago but literally my computer had a meltdown...Soooooo......Here is the next installment of RCP. I really hope you read Boy In The Backyard as it inspired this one, I'll update that one as well for two chapters....I hope you like this chapter, we find out who Kye is ;)....Sorry about the ending of the last chapter I think I may have been half asleep reading it, I just re-read it and OMG there are soooo many typos. This is getting really long so I'm just going to stop..Please VOTE/COMMENT/LIKE/FOLLOW it means a lot to me, also inbox or wall post me for a dedication or if you want me to upload my FanFic, much love! Georgina xx


I sat in silence as I took in all the new information Kye had given me. It was strange to think that someone so laid back and natural and kind could be so broken. I put a hand on his arm comfortingly as he smiled at me. "But we had to get over it for everyone elses sake" He sighed. "We just didn't do it the same way. Jerry just stopped coming back from college and Dad and mom split up earlier this year. Mom makes herself work all the time and I didn't stop cutting. We've all moved on in one way or another just not the way society would want" He informed me, looking at the ground solemnly.

"Who cares what society thinks" I whispered. "Its about what you think not everyone else" He laughed at the sentence, making me scowl.

"Yeah, I guess so" He wiped a tear from his eye as he put his head back against the rock. "How are things with you and that guy....Riley, is it?" I nodded.

"We're..." I tried to think of the right word. "We'll get there" I sighed as he nodded back to me. "We had a fight earlier because of this girl, Mandy. I hated her when I moved into that school because she was jealous and tried to buy Riley from me but I-I don't know things changed and she relied on me and I saw why she acted that way" I traced circles into the loose sand as I spoke. "But she's pregnant and Riley might be the dad. Its a long shot but he could be, because she isn't the biggest virgin" I snapped, feeling guilty as I realised how it sounded. I let my eyes slip to the ground as tears slipped down my face.

"Shhh" Kye coaxed "It's okay, you'll be alright" Kye put his arms around me bringing me into a tight hug.

"I don't think we will, b-because Riley said that part of his life I had nothing to do with. I wouldn't have a problem if he was the dad but he basically banished me!" I sobbed into his arms.

"Well he's an idiot then, isn't he?" Kye soothed. "Come on, chin up!" He smirked at me, lifting me onto my feet. "Get in your car and follow me" He said laughing. I narrowed my eyebrows but his face didn't change and so I gave in, getting into my car and following him.



"Where are we?" I asked cautiously as I watched the drunken lads stumble about the road whilst a girl threw up in the street. A young couple were making out in the dark shadows beside the streets and more and more people flooded out.

"Party Avenue" Kye said simply, smirking as he did.

"Where?" I asked dumbly. "Are you even allowed to drink? You've only just got out of hospital" Kye placed a finger to my lips grinning at me.

"Shh young one. I've gotten drunk with worse things that penicilin in my system" He waved it off, dragging me into an illuminous blue club called Shock!

As we entered the club I saw most people were out on the dancefloor, dancing numbly to the sound of the music and other peoples heartbeats. It was a great vibe here, even the people not dancing were having a great time, sitting at the bar, laughing with friends, chatting up girls and so on. Kye dragged me over to the bar ordering a sex on the beach and two shots of Flaming Sambuca. "To..." Kye thought, before ideas struck. "To our childhood!" He announced, clinking the glasses together. I put my hand quickly over the glass, extinguishing the fire and chucked it back, coughing slightly as it burned my throat. "And for the lady" Kye smirked, passing me the cocktail.

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