Chapter Nineteen

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We headed down to the beach and Lorelei and I sat on our towels whilst the guys went surfing. This is the life, I thought. No pain, no deceit and best of all, no Riley. I watched as Spencer splashed Christian whilst swimming up on the boards towards the waves. The wave began to form as the readied their boards to stand upon.

Christian stood in a crouch as the wave started to descend. I watched as they quickly jumped up onto the boards at precisely the right moment as the wave brought them gliding back towards the shore. Christian winked at me and before I knew what he was doing; he had launched himself at Spencer, wiping him out into the water. Spencer coughed and spluttered whilst Christian laughed a hearty chuckle, his face transforming into a wolf-like grin. Spencer’s face grew red with anger, making Christian laugh harder and begin to sprint back to shore with Spencer quick on his tail.

I sat back, listening to the childish laughter as I lapped up the sunshine with Lorelei. I closed my eyes, placing sunglasses over them to protect them from the sun’s harsh rays and thought about what it’d be like to live here. Stop dreaming, Louisa, you can barely afford tuition let alone a beach house! My mind snapped at me. I had now realized the laughter had stopped, I opened my eye the slightest amount so I could see no more than slits of vision.

Christian stood above me, a huge smirk on his face as he grabbed my arms, throwing me over his shoulder, laughing like a maniac as I dropped my sun glasses. "Christian put me down, now!" I demanded as I looked up to see Spencer had Lorelei in the same position. I felt the cold waters splash up my neck and back as Christian ran through the foamy sea. I gasped in surprise at the temperature of the water as Christian launched me into the deeper part of the water as Spencer did the same with Lorelei.

I decided to get my own back in mid fall, taking a breath before I crashed into the water. Instead of kicking up to the surface, I allowed my body to sink slowly, as waves crashed around me. I heard Christian’s frantic shouting as he pulled me from the water. I looked him in the eyes and his panicked expression slowly began to relax. I smirked and let the water I was holding in my mouth make a fountain out of its self directly into Christian’s face. He grinned and gripped my waist, pulling me closer to him. Instead of words he threw me again into the water, only this time I got straight back to surface and began to splash him as he did me. Lorelei and Spencer has now joined us and were also splashing everyone as we laughed. Where’s Kye? I thought worryingly. "Guys I’ll be back in five" I said, motioning a time out.

Clambering out of the water, I absorbed the sand as I walked into the house. "Kye?" I called out, wondering where he was. I walked up the stairs to his room, the locked one next to mine and knocked on the door. Surprisingly it was unlocked, however, Kye was nowhere in sight. I heard the clatter of metal in the bathroom and ran in to find Kye sitting beside the bath, a razor in hand, weeping. "Kye?" I yelled, grabbing his arms to check where he had cut. He looked through me instead of at me as I searched his legs. "Kye, tell me where you cut" I demanded, desperately looking for any trace of blood.

"I tried…I-I couldn’t" He whispered. "I couldn’t do it" I sighed in relief as I realized what he had said. "Why couldn't I?" He asked, tears visible in his eyes. "Why couldn't I do it, Louisa?"

"'re getting better" I smiled, pulling him into my arms. "You're getting better" I mumbled, rocking him in my embrace.


After the episode with Kye on the bathroom floor I made him a hot chocolate and told him to go to bed, although he made me promise that I wouldn't tell the others. We had all gotten in our PJ's and were sitting on the couch..well...Lorelei and Spencer were on the couch whilst Christian and I resided on the floor because there wasn't much space left after their embrace on the couch. I sighed as we continued to watch a horror film. "No! Don't go on your own!" Lorelei screamed at the television. "Such an idiot! Behind you!" She yelled.

"Babe, seriously. You're ruining the whole movie" Spencer said, poking her chest. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the tv, knowing what they were about to do. Even turning around did nothing as I could still hear them making out.

"I'm going out" I announced.

"Me too" Christian piped up quickly, jumping to his feet and pulling me to mine. "Let's go before it advances" He whispered to me as we stalked off out of the bay doors to the cool beach. Christian ran up behind me, catching up as I skipped down the stairs of the house to the beach. We walked in silence along the beach. I counted the hundreds of stars in the sky whilst Christian looked out into the sea, not saying a word as we continued to walk. The air was cool but not cold, it was a comfortable warmth as well as a comfortable silence. It was lovely.

We walked across the entire length of the beach in silence before walking up the shore side rocks that turned into a dark coloured cliffs halfway up. "Are we climbing?" Christian asked. I grinned, nodding as I heaved myself up onto the large edge. Christian laughed as he pulled himself up onto the same rock as I went onto the next one.

"Come on, slow poke!" I yelled as I approached another rock. I was about three from the top whereas Christian was about three from the bottom. Christian laughed and yanked himself up faster now, moving across two rocks at the same pace as I covered one and soon enough we were reaching the top at the same time as we clambered on top of the cliff. I sat back on my hands and panted, catching my breath as Christian sank back onto his back coughing. "Getting old?" I raised an eyebrow, mocking him as he choked on air. He shoved my shoulder as he continued to gasp for air. I laughed and patted his back as he calmed down. "Better?"

"Better" He replied panting also. "Why are we up here?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I have absolutely no idea" I grinned as I laid back against the hard dusty rock. "I couldn't stand to see another Lorelei/Spencer tonsil match" I said honestly.

"Me neither. It's disgusting. Do they need air?" I laughed at his statement.

"I don't think they do otherwise they'd be gasping by now" I giggled at his feigned shock. I rubbed my hands over my eyes, attempting to vanquish the sleep and stress from them as Christian leant on his elbow to look at me.

"What's the matter?" Christian asked, anxiety pure in his eyes.

"Nothing, just tired" I lied, looking away from him and up into the sky.

"Louisa, I know you. Better than you think, I know when you're lying" He responded dimly. I sighed and looked at him.

"I just wish life was easier thats all" I replied, bitterly. He sighed at me this time.

"I know how you feel" He said, rolling over onto his back again, mimicking my position. "Me with Mandy and family stuff and if I'm a future dad or not and you with Riley and Mandy and Kye"

"What about Kye?" I asked, anxious as I looked at him again.

"Lou, I saw how you were with him. I've been through it, you've been through it and I know Kye has been through it too and still is. That's how you met him wasn't it?" He stated knowingly. I shook my head in denial.

"I didn't meet him because of that. I've known him since I was a little girl. I just refound him. But you're right" My eyes drifted to the floor. "He tried to do it again and he couldn't. He's rehabilitated now" I said simply. Christian sat up and took my hand into his, looking into my eyes he sighed again.

"If you or Kye need anything you know you can rely on me, right?" I nodded.

"I know, Christian, I know" I smiled.





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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2013 ⏰

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