Chapter Eleven: Please Don't Die, I Love You

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Crashing through the white doors, next to the stretcher, my heart flipped and flopped around in my chest. Through the next set of white doors a young Indian man stopped me. "I'm sorry. I can't let you through. Your boyfriend needs emergency surgery" He said. 

"He's not my-" I trailed off. "Is it he going to be alright?"

"Only time will tell, I'm very sorry" The tears never stopped rolling down my face as I clung onto hope.  

I called the school and told them where we were, knocked over a vending machine of bottled water, to get money for the chocolate vending machine, stole a box of latex gloves and a stethoscope. Truth be told I was just making a distraction for myself. I was so worried and the sanitary bleach smell surrounding the halls was making me dizzy. I paced for hours until a young blonde nurse handed me a coffee and softly smiled towards me. I looked up straight at a nearby clock. 4:47am. I rubbed my eyes. "Miss O'Briens its very late perhaps you should go home?" I shook my head in protest. 

"I can't leave him" I said, my voice hoarse from crying.  

"Well how about a room nearby. You can get some sleep and if anything changes I can come and wake you" I nodded this time and let the nurse lead me to a private room with a sofa, a tv and a fridge. I laid down on the couch and let anxiety wash over me, turning into drowsiness.






"Miss O'Briens?! Miss O'Briens?!" A soft feminine voice called. "Miss O'Briens?!"

"What?" I sat up wiping away the drool from my mouth. "Is he okay??" I panicked. "Riley. Is he alright" 

"Mr Cameronson has slipped into a medically induced coma. It is necessary to distract the body from the shock and focus on healing" My head hurt so much from the crying and the trying to process the information attempting to crack my brain in its sleepy state.

"W-what? Who is Mr Cameronson?" I asked.  

"Er, Riley? Mr Cameronson" His names Cameronson? I know that name? I thought.  

"So is he going to be okay?" I urged. 

"It is too soon to tell. You can see him now". She smiled sadly and left, after waving me out of the family room.  







I walked into the room, holding my breath. Riley looked like hell. His face pale, eyes shrunken and closed. His neck had an IV in and his chest was bare with bandages wrapping right around it. His nose holding a taped feeding tube into place. I sat down beside his large mechanical bed and read the monitors; they all read bizzare figures that flashed and beeped however made no coherence with one another. I took his hand and watched his heart rate rise.  

"Riley I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm sorry. I should have just kept my mouth and legs closed. You'd be at home with Mandy and I'd be here. Instead of you" I kissed the back of his hand. "I don't know if you can hear me or not but as soon as we get home, I'll snap the disks. We can be happy again". I let tears release again. "We can go home and you can decide. If you want, I'll leave and never comeback. I'll go to New Orleans or Rhode Island. Just so you can be happy"


His heart rate dropped slightly when I was thrown to the floor. "You stupid bitch! What have you done?!" Mandy hugged Riley, making his OBS Beep frantically.

"Get off him. You're hurting him!" I shouted, sobbing. Nurses ran in at the sound of erratic beeps, crowding around Riley as one nurse approached Mandy.

"Miss you are going to have to leave" A nurse said to Mandy. She looked shocked.  

"OBS decreasing!" A male nurse warned. He tapped the monitor. "Sedative at 0%" Just as he said it, Riley stirred.  

"M-Mand....Mandy?" His voiced croaked from the hoarse dehydration. Mandy got up and raced over to him. My heart lurched as I watched the scene unfold. "Mandy, I-I love-"

"I know sweety. I know. Shhhh" Mandy soothed.  

"No. Mandy I L-love Lou-" He coughed. "Louisa" My heart dropped. Riley loved me! I mean, he just said he loved me and not Mandy. I must be hallucinating I thought.

"Shhh. That's just the sedative and morphine speaking not you" She coo'd, bringing me out of my day dream of Riley and I riding off on horseback into the sunset.

"Miss" The male nurse urged. "I'm afraid you're going to have to leave" He motioned to Riley. "Riley needs his rest" She nodded, kissed Riley's head and left. The nurse turned to me. "I'm sorry". Another nurse injected a see through serum into Riley's IV. His eyes gleamed at me as he half smiled before his head lolled and he gently fell to sleep.





I walked out of the doors only to feel a sharp surge of pain go through my cheek. "You little bitch!" Mandy screamed. "You planned it didn't you" She squared up to my face. "You got him stabbed because you were jealous!"

"He wasn't stabbed you idiot. He was shot" I walked away. She grabbed my arm.  

"This is all your fault" She cried hysterically. "If he dies. It's on you"

"You think I don't know that?!" I shouted. "You think I don't wish it was me instead?" I walked closer to her flinching face. "You think that every time I close my eyes it doesn't repeat over and over and over again?!" I let the tears release. "Well it does okay?" I let my body slump to the floor. "I can't stop myself from seeing it. I physically cant It hurts so much. And you know what, Mandy?"

She raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow. "What?" She rolled her eyes.  

"I love him". I laughed at myself. "I Love him" I repeated to myself. "I think, no, I know, I love him" I felt giddy yet scared. I'd finally admitted it. I didn't love Darren. I didn't love Christian. And I 100% didn't love Joel I loved Riley...

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