Chapter Eight: The Truth Comes Out

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[A/N::] Hey guys this is a drama chapter that explains a lot about what happened in the last chapter, if that makes sense, anyway sorry for leaving ages for a new upload, coursework up to my neck, It hasn't been edited yet so don't hate on the grammar too much, -My BlackBerry PlayBook hates me. Much love please keep voting/fanning/liking and commenting it means so much to me you have no idea!![A/N::]

I kissed him passionately, which he returned. He mumbled something against my lips. 'What?' I asked. 

'Stay here with me, tonight' I whispered a short yes and then continued to kiss him. I pulled away moments later. 'I'm going to get some things for tonight, I'll be right back' I now realised I was on his lap. I flushed crimson. I got off his lap and went to the door. I looked away from it as I closed it and made my way back to my room. I put my hand on the knob and turned. The door was locked. Good. He's gone. I placed my key in the lock and opened the door. Grabbing a large handbag from under my bed I threw in clothes for tomorrow. I started to sort through my pyjamas when of course Riley came in. 'What are you doing?' He asked in a harsh tone. I placed a set of silk satin pyjamas into my bag.  

'I am staying out tonight' I said sharply, not bothering to look at him.  

'Where are you staying?' I shrugged. 

'That isn't really anything to do with you is it?' I snapped.  

'Yes well I only wanted to know in case Principle Brown wished to know' My phone rang so I flipped it out. 'Hello, oh hey Lorelei' She asked about my schedule for tonight. 'I have that date tonight with Christian. I'm staying there but we can drop in to it if you want' She gave the address. 'Okay room 119, 7pm. Tonight okay!' She clicked goodbye and I threw the phone into my bag.  

'You're staying at Christian's place?' I nodded. 'What the hell?! Christian King? Are you trying to wind me up?!' He shouted. I spun around. We were now face to face. 

'Me? Trying to wind you up? Excuse me but who was the one saying that they like me? Oh wait you. And who straight after was bending Mandy the ho into positions I don't wish to recall? Oh wait! You again?! And you have the nerve of accusing me of winding you up?' I grabbed my bag and walked over to the door, but stopped. 'I really thought you were different, obviously not' I opened the door and was pulled back by Riley. He pushed his lips forcefully against mine, pinning me to the apartment wall. I almost gave into his lips but then Christian flushed into my mind. I pushed Riley away from me, looked him dead in the eye and left. I literally ran back up to Christian's room.

'Hey. Instead of dinner how about a party?'  

'Sure. Anything you want. Where's the party?' He replied.  

'119' He nodded. 'Caleb Jones' place' I went back over to the computer and got onto the school website. 'What're you doing?' I began hacking. 'You're hacking the sites?!' I simply nodded and continued. 'Why?'  

'I want dirt' I said simply. 'On Riley'. He hmm'd.  

'You are doing it wrong' I looked up and met his eyes. He looped an arm around my waist lifting me from the chair and onto his lap as he sat down. He began typing and after ten minutes he was in. 'What do you want to know?' He asked. I shrugged. 

'Anything'. He clicked on all different things then sighed.  

'His records clean'. He sat back. 

'Yes, extremely clean if you ask me'. He raised an eyebrow. 'Well being witness to Riley's attitude, surely he'd have at least one detention'  

'Yes he should. I mean he got caught a year ago smoking a cigarette, he blamed me and we were suspended for a week'. His gaze on the monitor intensified. 'But that's not here either, the only thing here is from yesterday and forgetting soccer boots'.  

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